
Do you agree a story can drag on forever?

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How can we put a period at the end of an expereince??The longer the experience of pain and disappointments the more complicated it gets and we move further from our destinations.....




  1. Star Trek seems to never die.

  2. my life is a never ending story......till i take my last breath....Bosun

  3. I know a song that never ends.

    In fact, it goes on and on, my fellow patrons.

  4. As long as there is an audience!

  5. It will  go on as long as you let it drag u.. so make up your mind let it drag on forever or find a new story to take its place.  Dont let the old story keep on till you have heard the last chapter umteen thousand times.. Start a new one..

  6. It takes courage, but a period

    can be put at the end of an

    experience.  Distance yourself

    from the pain and


    Fill your life with new, better.

    Concentrate on making happy


    Each day gives us a new start.

    Use it wisely.

  7. ...i agree...severe all ties, leave the old world and the past...

    ...get on a boat, plane or train and go to somewhere you always wanted to go...

    ...and start anew...scared, unknown and yearning for a new life and adventure...

    ...THE END...

  8. All stories have a beginning a middle and a end . It's knowing when to end it . Any thing else are episodes to the never ending story .

  9. Watch Dragon Ball Z...

  10. Rita we live in circles so every point is the beginning and the end in the same time

  11. a story can drag on forever, or at least what seems like forever. a bit like me last year for example.

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