
Do you agree darwin s theory of evolution or do you agree with the theory of an intelligent designer?

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Do you agree darwin s theory of evolution or do you agree with the theory of an intelligent designer?




  1. Any body with any intelligence would not have designed us this way. And, I am not sure evolution is the answer either. I think we came from ...... well, I don't know. Actually, Does anyone ? no

  2. One of the facts that left a lasting impression on me is tetrapod limbs.  You can read about it here:

    Also realize you can believe in both.  Evolution in itself does not establish specifics, nor approach creation of the earth.  Evolution simply proves change over time/adaptation.  

    That's all Darwin did, show the change in species.  He developed the idea of species changing over time as a survival mechanism.  Hince 'survival of the fitest' in his "The Origin of Species".  He never wrote about actual creation of earth, or human creation/change.  In fact, it might also be helpful for you to read:

  3. I'm with intelligent design although I must confess I have a problem with almighty God. But who hasn't,

                            I'm gradually being persuaded to the space invader idea as far as life is concerned. I'm far too intelligent a person to be believing all this evolutionary nonsense and I think that people who do expound this idea , should be locked up until they see sense.

  4. Lylo Lil is talking bollocks. Again

    Darwin actually said his theory was imperfect because he didn't understand how hereditary worked, and from the lack of fossils available to the Victorians. he never said 'it was wrong', he was just admitting he didn't have all the information he needed to finish the theory properly.

    Intelligent design is creationism in a dinner jacket. It's still got a white face, clown nose and a cusstard pie - ridiculous but trying to be taken seriosly.

    It should tell you something that only 1/700 of the American Acadamey of Sciences said creationism/ID was possible

  5. Intelligent  Design is not a theory, it's a story.  The two shouldn't even be compared, one is a scientific theory, the other one is a bedtime tale.

    I'd go for evolution all the time, so do the majority of the christian community.

    tnphi obviously don't understand what theory means in science.  For it to be a theory, doesn't mean that it's not proven.  A scientific theory must be able to be tested.  Intelligent design/creation is not testable, hence it's not a theory.  Evolution on the other hand is testable, it has boundaries.  Facts on the other hand are things that are observed, not the explanation of it.  So a fact of evolution is for instance DNA, or a skull, or a piece of tool.  While the theory of evolution is the explanation of how that fact comes about.

  6. Darwin himself did not believe his theory would stand up, he only hoped he was right, and he was right, it didn't. The fossil record let him down all along the line. no transitional forms of any kind, animal or vegetable.  Not one piece of evidence for evolution has been found to even suggest that evolution can jump the species barrier. Cremo & Thompson suspect that the views of those who do not accept the out of Africa or the Lucy hypothoses are not being passed on to the wider community beyond the specialist academic enclaves. They also suspect that these opposing views are being deliberately suppressed in order to maximise the impact of the orthodox theories on schools, universities and the interested public.

  7. Pope John Paul II agreed that evolution was a fact.  If its good enough for him, I'll go along with it.

  8. First, Darwin just named the process which evolution worked which is natural selection, his grandfather was involved in the same research and is given credit in the book, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. The ancient Greeks are credited with the orginal thought but actually could be even older.  The overlying problem is the difference of us coming from 2 or 1.

    Evolution says we came from 1, our implied belief is that the Bible says we came from 2. ID says we came from 2, the Catholic Church says we came from 2.  No one seems to understand that 1/2 and 1/2 equals 1.  The Bible concerns itself with the Jewish religion and people, it is not meant to be a science book as it leaves out the science known at the time.

    There is no reason for me to have to choose between the 2.

  9. Evolution is a Theory.

    Intelligent Design is a Hypothesis.

    Theory is fact, hypothesis is an idea

  10. Darwin never once claimed that there was no such thing as Intelligent design.  No where in his writings did Darwin ever discredit or disprove creation.  Now there was a gentleman who said that creation isn't a theory but its just a story if that's the case then so is evolution.  There are no solid facts that can support evolution.  At best its just a good hunch.  The basis of any theory is the fact that it can't be proven just yet, if we could prove it then it would be fact and then it would be call the "Fact of Evolution" not the "Theory of Evolution".

    As for me, and I'm sure this won't be popular at all, its very difficult for me to have my entire existence is based totally on a series of random events that just so happened to take place in the exact and precise order to ensure  my existence.  For me it makes more sense that there is someone who created me for a purpose and had a deliberate purpose for my existance.  But in the end its all just opinion and everyone is welcomed to their own.  I have chosen my opinion and you're welcome to have your own.

  11. The "theory" of an intelligent designer shouldn't be taken seriously at all. It's a ridiculous idea. The theory of evolution has intelligence and evidence behind it. There should be no question that evolution is what eventually brought us to be. Sorry to be so blunt about it :)

  12. Intelligent design is not a scientific theory.  Evolution has been proven beyond question and natural selection is the only established mechanism that explains evolution and it is universally accepted by scientists who don't have a religious agenda.  Believing that evolution doesn't exist is just ignorant and there are no rational arguments against natural selection.

  13. It's no longer merely Darwin's theory of evolution any more than the solar system is Copernicus's theory of heliocentrism. Anyone who cares enough to look can see it. The entire field of genetics is based on evolution being true.

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