
Do you agree it was quite honest of the republicans?

by  |  earlier

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to announce Bristol's pregnancy now...they could've hid it much longer and then put her in hiding.




  1. Honestly I don't think they had a choice here.  The media was on to her.  Her holding the baby when we first saw all of them didn't hide the fact that her stomach was showing which let to the rumors of her having that baby.  So they had to kill those rumors and come clean about her.  Of course the father of the child, Levi Johnston would know and so would his friends and so inevitably everyone would have heard.  The question to ask now is what else will we find out about Palin and her family.  Seems like it is a daily surprise.  

  2. Please their hold act is disingenuous. when they show the pictures of her and family. Watch as they use the child with Down's Syndrome to cover up what my be a baby bump.

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