
Do you agree? money shouldnt be lent with interest that only creates money that doesn't exist?

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as quoted by david icke




  1. Lending money is a business, and the way the business makes money is charging interest.  

  2. are you referencing zeitgeist?

  3. Problem is that if money is not lend with interest, money is not lent.  This creates the poverty we saw in the Dark Ages, and the current poverty in the Middle East (outside of the Oil Sheikdoms).

  4. It creates nothing, but rather is a flow of money from borrower to lender.  The sum remains zero.  There is a cost asscociated with borrowing money, as there is cost associated with borrowing ( renting) a car.  The lender assumes risk to his capital, in return he earns interest.  Higher risk, higher rate of interest.  Without interest earned on money lent, economies as we know them would stand still.

  5. no, well, yes, but keep in mind that money does exist.  

  6. No; I think it is morally alright to loan money to be paid back with interest.

    "Money" is a bit of a nebulous creature, but interest is definitely money that DOES exist.  it is the return on investment that the lender earns taking the risk of loaning the money, just like interest on savings accounts is the return on investment for the person who deposits their money.  It is akin to any other return on investment.

    I think you may be referring to the Biblical injunction against it, but that refers to things like usury and demanding interest from really poor people for whom onerous interest rates would be crippling.  Research your Bible passages a bit more closely.

  7. If the the loaners didn't make anything, they would have no reason to loan.

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