
Do you agree of a case that first world countries should pay third world countries to preserve their forest?

by Guest60415  |  earlier

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Do you agree of a case that first world countries should pay third world countries to preserve their forest?




  1. Of course not

  2. Environmental concerns do not stop at borders, nor does global warming --- we are all in this together, whether people want to admit it or not.  Scientist overwhelming agree that the earth is changing, and they overwhelmingly agree that man is the cause of it.

    If that what it takes, then so be it.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  3. So you're saying we (first world countries) should pay them (third world countries) for something that they (third world countries) should already be doing?  Sounds a little too socialist or communist for my tastes.  But if you really want to pay them (third world countries) go right ahead and write them (third world countries) a check.  I'm sure they'll (third world countries) appreciate it!

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