
Do you agree or disagree with plans to fingerprint foreigners exiting U.S.?

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The airline industry and embassies of 34 countries, including the members of the European Union, are urging the U.S. government to withdraw a plan that would require airlines and cruise lines to collect digital fingerprints of all foreigners before they depart the United States, starting in August 2009.




  1. It would have two different types of ramifications.

    1 it would give us better intelligence and the ability to track suspected terrorists or find those who have been involved in terrorism.

    2 it would infringe on personal rights, not everyone who travels is a terrorist or suspect therefore mandating fingerprinting is one step closer to the removal of all our rights first foreign then domestic

  2. I agree with doing this. it's long overdue. We could track and find criminals easier

  3. agree......

  4. Yeah, let's get their fingy prints.

    The world is getting to be a pretty small place.

    You can run but you can't hide as easily.

    You mess with us ...and we'll come and GET you!

    Look how well we made that point with Osama Bin Ladden.

    Truth is, the move is just one more slice at American freedom. They gonna do all they can to lock us down and tie us up. This sort of thing is going to lead to computer chips they can track.

    Unless Americans throw down the gauntlet somehow, the Feds are going to keep taking from us on the personal freedoms thing. They think they got us running scared with the  911 debacle. Lots of folks still think it was set up by our Feds. Who knows. I don't trust em' in any event.

    We need to watch our government VERY CARFULLY folks. If you smell a rat, write your Senators and Cong. folks. Don't get lazy or we'll pay with our heads.

  5. I agree.

  6. I think all countries must do their best for security. Yes it takes time but today's world is crazy so countries do need things in place to have an account of their visitors. I  Don't see anything wrong with it. It only can do good.

  7. I don't see the problem in it ... If they committed a crime and it doesn't come to light until after they left the country, they'd be able to figure out who did it if they left fingerprints. Other than that I don't see how it would hurt anyone... I've had mine taken on trips several times, and I don't really care that they have them

  8. Why not. It does not infringe on the privacy or rights of US citizens. It would be nice to have an idea of who is wandering about our sovereign nation.

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