
Do you agree or disagree with the pro-abortion position?why?

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Do you agree or disagree with the pro-abortion position?why?




  1. Like several people on here, I am pro-choice, but I hope that choice is for life.  If there is something medically wrong with the mother/child and a life hangs in the balance, or if a child is raped and the girl gets pregnant then I see nothing wrong with Abortion, but if a 20-year-old girl gets pregnant and she just doesn't want to have a kid, then  I'm totally against it.  There is such a thing as adoption you know.

  2. I think abortion should be a medical procedure used in cases where the mother can not have children do to life threatening condition or injury. I do not think it should be use to erase the fact that someone had s*x and got caught so to speak.

  3. This is a really sensitive issue. No matter what position someone has, they usually feel strongly about it.

    Personally, I'm pro-life. I think I have a stronger connection to this issue than most other people (no offense meant!) because I was adopted. My birth mother was only 17 when I was born. As I've gotten older, I've realized what a gift she gave me. She gave me the gift of life. As I completed high school, graduated, and began college, I saw other girls my age who were having babies. I saw how difficult it was for them. I know what a sacrifice my birth mother made for me, and I know how much easier it would have been for her to abort me and be done with it.

    I don't think that getting pregnant means that you need to keep your baby. There are so many childless couple who would love and cherish the child that you do not want to or cannot take care of. You can choose an open adoption, or a closed adoption. there are even couple who will pay al of your pregnancy costs, so money isn't a valid excuse for carrying the pregnancy through.

    Also, I feel that it isn't fair to punish the child you conceived just because you don't want it. I know that one of the big points for the prochoice people is the rape pregnancies, but if you do your research, you'll find that the there are very few "rape babies." The morning after pill is a standard part of every rape kit. So if you weren't raped, I don't think that there is any excuse to have an abortion. If you think you're old enough to have s*x, then you are old enough to have a baby, whether you decide to keep it or not.

    My response got to be much longer than I thought it would. Sorry! I just wanted to try and verify my position. I feel so strongly about this issue, and I thank my birthmother every day for the gift she gave me. I felt I needed to share my story.

  4. I am not "pro-abortion", I am pro-choice.  No one really wants to have an abortion.

    Every woman has the right to self-determination.  Forcing a woman to carry an unwanted child is the same as slavery.  

    No one knows when "life" really begins nor can any two people give the same definition.  It becomes a matter of religious belief and in this country, we have freedom to worship as we please.

    Then, of course, there's the issue of child abuse and what happens to the unwanted babies that are born to people ill-equipped to care for them.

  5. i do go to my space . com and watch the abortion video also a more detailed one on  YOU TUBE omg you wont believe it!!!!!!!!!!

  6. There is no such thing as a "pro-abortion position." That is like saying you are pro-war if you believe in the war in Iraq. No one is really pro-abortion anymore than anyone is pro war. It's that there are people who believe that abortion is a right that a woman should have. Women should be able to choose to have an abortion if they want one. People who believe that abortion should be a choice don't try to convince those who don't want an abortion to have one. Because the "pro-life" believers have used pro-life as their slogan they are equally content to make it look like there are pro-life people and pro=abortion people. I think the slogan is purposely very deceiving. I am in favor of life as much as anyone could be. I am a pacifist and i believe in gun control  and I am against the death penalty. These are very pro-life stances; they are just not referred to that way. Please get your information from unbiased sources and understand why no one would think of themselves as pro-abortion.

  7. It is NOT pro-abortion.......  IT IS PRO-CHOICE!!!!

    I agree with the right of a person to CHOSE her choices in life..

  8. If your body should not be legally made to support another's life why should it support your's? I'm not trying to sound nasty but think about it first. Your body is doing what it was made to do. s*x is for procreation, not just enjoyment. If you don't want one without the other then just don't do either.

    Otherwise you need to think of a way to pass a law that says it's unlawful for your body not to support your own life.

    It seems to me that people which such lofty opinions seem to forget the fact that the choice for their own lives was not to insignificant.

  9. Nobody is pro-abortion.  People don't like to see babies being aborted.  People are pro-choice, meaning they think abortion should be an option.  Being pro-choice doesn't even mean you think abortion is the best option.  I am pro-choice. Women should not legally be forced to use their body to support the life of another. That being said, I think it is obvious that abortion is not an ideal thing, not a good thing. I do not think that it should be illegal, but I think society should work to lessen the occurence.

    I think about the choice my adopted daughter's birthmother had to make. My daughter was diagnosed in-eutero with a cleft-lip/palate in a country where that is stigmatizing. Her birthmother was not married, which is also stigmatizing. We're talking risking loosing all of her social network, job, everything. She knew she couldn't raise her for financial and social reasons and she could have gotten an abortion cheaply and easily, and it would really have been the expected thing to do. Do I blame women in situations such as her who choose an abortion? No, my heart breaks for them. Am I grateful every day that she made the decision that she did? Absolutely. Do I wonder in admiration at her courage? Yes. Do I think society should make carrying a child, my daughter's birthmother's choice, more easy, or better yet make it possible for her to parent her child? ABSOLUTELY.

  10. I do not think that there is such a thing as a "pro-abortion position" since only Pro-Life people use that term.  Pro-Choice people will call themselves pro-choice, and pro-life anti-choice.  its all a spin on words in whatever position you favor.  No one in the pro-choice community would consider themselves Pro-Abortion.  Sorry.

    I personally believe that until you have walked in someone else's shoes, you cannot judge them, or burden them with your beliefs.   Abortion is a private matter and should remain that way.  I do not want ANYONE telling me what I can and cannot do with my body.  And I will not tell anyone else what they can and cannot do with theirs.

  11. What does this have to do with adoption?

  12. Every woman has the right to choose what she wants done to her body, what she puts in it and what she wants taken out of it.

    I am for abortion.

  13. Why, why, why do abortion and adoption get conflated all the time?

    Look, it's not a choice between abortion and adoption. For MOST women, they are two separate choices: abort vs. stay pregnant (first choice), then (later) parent vs. relinquish for adoption.

    They are NOT simultaneous decisions.

    The fact that people conflate the two is the result of several things, including 1. pro-life propaganda; 2. a severe misunderstanding of birth mothers who choose adoption and their decision-making process; 3. a desire on the part of infertile people to have more babies available for adoption; 4. adoption agency (often linked to pro-life organizations) propaganda.

    Speaking as someone who is congratulated all the time on "choosing life" for my baby, let me give everyone here a newsflash: I NEVER SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED ABORTION. I really, really wish people would stop assuming I did. It's stereotyping, plain and simple. My choice was NOT bewteen abortion and adoption; it was between parenting and adoption.

    Having said all that, I am pro-choice. Absolutely, 100% pro-choice. And yes, part of the reason IS that I think women need a way to handle a situation in which they are pregnant and can't care for a child... and frankly, I think abortion is kinder than adoption in most cases.

    But honestly, what is this question doing in an adoption forum? The two just aren't concurrent decisions, and the topics ought to stop being conflated as if they are similar.

  14. There is no such thing as pro-abortion except in rare extremists who want humans to go extinct. I'm pro-choice. I've had an abortion, but I certainly don't think it's the right choice for everyone or tell people to abort, but I'm not opposed to giving reliable information about abortion or even telling my own experiences which, by the way, do not end in life long guilt excruciating pain or any other sort of long term trauma and made up syndrome like pro-lifers like to pretend happens to all women who make that choice. I know that for the situation I was in that it was the only right and responsible thing to do. I would have done it legal or not, so thank God it is legal!

  15. I just posted a question on here that would explain my postition on it, it's really long so here's the link if you're interested. Hint: I'm pro-choice.;...

  16. Considering the page you submit the question to, you are likely to get some harsh answers.  I want to apologize in advance and hope that you can understand why.

    Many of the people here cannot have a child of their own.  When someone come on here talking about having an abortion, it is like they are saying,"I know that you can't have this one thing that you want more than anything.  I have one, and I am just going to destroy it."  It cuts us to the heart.

    As you may have guessed, I am against abortion.  As Robert Fulghum said, " I am pro-choice.  I just hope that choice is for life."  I can't tell you what to do.  However, consider the fact that any woman that is going to get an abortion has been given an opportunity that she can choose to take or to ignore.  That opportunity is to give a couple that cannot have a child of their own the one thing that the people in that couple cannot give each other.  It is a gift that literally changes lives forever.

    The most popular argument for abortion is, "I can't afford to have a baby."

    This mother can give her baby up for adoption.  The adoptive parents will pay for any medical costs that the birth mother is responsible for.  The birth mother can also ask for any reasonable amount of lost wages that result from giving birth.

  17. the reason i don't believe in abortions is because its killing a human life this has nothing to do with my religion. there are alot of people out there that realize  when there is baby present embreo that is a child no matter how small and that is killing and it s houdln't happen. They have a heart and lungs and stuff and they are forming and they are human that has been proved and proved and yet there is still time to murder the innoscent. so very sad.

  18. Ah, that's kind of a tough question to answer.

    I couldn't ever have an abortion and I wouldn't ever advise anyone to get one.  Regret about a lost child can last a lifetime, and it's not an easy thing to live with.

    On the other hand, I couldn't hate someone because they had one....I'm not in their shoes and I can't possibly begin to understand how they feel.

    Besides there are too many other issues (ie child abuse, elementary education, health care) for me to worry about.  Abortion is way down there on my list of world issues.

  19. I am totally in favour of a woman having a choice.

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