
Do you agree or disagree with the saying that "babys are gifts"? Why?

by Guest57774  |  earlier

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Do you agree or disagree with the saying that "babys are gifts"? Why?




  1. Each and every child is a gift from God.  The tragedy is that so many have been led to believe that children are a burden or obstacle.

    An unborn child and his/her mother are never adversaries.  They should always be considered a team and package deal.

  2. I agree because all babies are a blessing from God.

  3. 1st of all... Its babies! 2nd of all Babies are Godly gifts! They are innocent and full of life! You make the decision to get pregnant! If you disagree you must have never heard of TROJAN! Plus even if you say that this baby is a mistake... God had it planned since he made you!

  4. Babies are results of a biological process in which sperm and egg combine.  

  5. Disagree...

    They are simply results of the species seeking to continue itself...nature at work.

    However after birth they certainly are "gifts" to their parents, truly.

  6. Disagree.  Babies aren't given to people, they're a mutual choice between 2 people to create something new.  Except so often, there was no choice made.

  7. Disagree, because babys is spelled babies.

  8. Disagree.  I'm a single guy.  I see babies as an anchor, demanding my time, energy, and finances, that I will be burdened with for the next 2 decades.  I'm not interested in passing my genes along to the next generation enough to be happy about that.

  9. As the mother of an adopted child, I have to say I agree completely.  My daughter is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.

  10. I agree because not all women are able to carry them and not all men have the sperm to help create a baby...

    I know that if I were to conceive that it would be a gift... mostly because I am not sure if I will be able to conceive let alone carry one to term... we shall see and only God knows that...

    and there are some couples that have been trying for years to have a child of their own and can't and they do everything humanly possible to conceive only to find other women that don't care about their offspring and abort them or toss them in the garbage like last weeks leftovers...

    so yes they are a gift to quite a few couples... not merely accidents.

  11. By gift do you mean surprise?

    Most pregnancies are unplanned.

  12. Disagree because 99% of all babies are accidents. It's just something your parents tell you to make you feel better.

  13. Agree. Noone seems to realize how hard it is for the people who actually want them to have them is. Miscarrages are very common.

    the idiots that dont want them are the ones that seem to keep having em though.

    A child is an excuse to watch cartoons, and run on the play ground, abnd go to theme parks, and nothing brightens you like a child can

    its your chance to pass on what you enjoyed as a kid. and make someone elses life great.

    there your ticket to imortality, or h**l. its all in what you do with it.

    Its how you shape the world.

  14. Neither. It depends on the people and the circumstances. Babies.

    In an ideal situation, yes, babies are gifts but we don't live in an ideal world.  

  15. Those baby's represent the future.  Who knows who will find the cure for AIDS, Cancer, or fix the woo's of the future?  That individual may have already been aborted....  We are not GOD, and he has a reason for every life that is created.  It is so funny because anybody I have ever met that have aborted a baby have been miserable.  Yet, when you talk to a liberal they say that although they would never have an abortion they want others to have a choice!  What if they were the one to be aborted?

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