
Do you agree or disagree with this column on Hamlin and Vickers?

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JEFF WOLF: Whiny Hamlin, Vickers can't take the heat

Joe Gibbs Racing driver Denny Hamlin, above, and Team Red Bull driver Brian Vickers, below, finished third and second, respectively, in Sunday's Pocono 500 and then complained about the hot weather.

Good thing NASCAR drivers Denny Hamlin and Brian Vickers don't live in Las Vegas. They couldn't take it.

Oh, they'd survive the strip clubs, bars and poker tables. But they couldn't handle the heat.

The two Sprint Cup racers were overheated and then popped off like blown radiator caps following Sunday's Pocono 500 in Long Pond, Pa., where temperatures reached the mid-90s with high humidity.

These new cars are just too hot, they said.


They need to be cooler for the drivers.


How about NASCAR throw in a nice sound system?

Quit whining, guys. Shut up and drive.




  1. no its retarded i dont blame them i wouldnt be able to take it either.

  2. This columnist should be forced to drive at 55 mph with no AC 110 miles from Phoenix to Tucson, turn around and drive back in July, when it's 110 degrees F. I've done it. It ain't pretty.

    Gee, how did these guys drive at 200 mph in the fiftie's with no POWER STEERING? Let alone AC or "cooling fans."

  3. I really don't even remember either of those two "whining" about the conditions necessarily. They said it was hot, they were thirsty. I know one of them said they would like to see the Pocono race earlier or later in the season. I thought that was a good point. They were not the only two affected by the heat. I would say when you got more than one or two guys CLEARLY affected by the heat, you have made a good case for yourself that something else has to be done. Driver safety first in my opinion.

  4. Wow that columnist sounds like a b******e. I'd like to see him drive 200 mph for 5 hours straight and then get out and act like all is well. Las Vegas may have 100 degree heat, but the humidity is usually only around 20, which is something you would never see in Long Pond, Pennsylvania. They had record heat that day around 92-95 degrees, and you throw in about 80-90% humidity (remember a light rain delay) and I guarantee it's hotter than it FEELS in Las Vegas.

    I bet he wouldn't survive 10 minutes in the car thats about 130 degrees with all the humidity mixed in.

    Those drivers deal with very real heat in the new car, and I was just watching a video the other day that while they were interviewing Denny Hamlin in Texas and he passed out right in middle of the interview and looked really pale.

    That columnist sounds like he knows nothing about NASCAR.

  5. Jr Johnson drove in cars that did not have cool boxes, and the heat from the exhaust came right up through the floor boards.  He never complained about being hot.  Sorry nobody can see his point, but these drivers are little whiny babies compared to the drivers from back in the day.  These guys make about ten times more money than those old timers, and they do whine about every little inconvenience.  It gets hot in the summer time...get over get paid for a fun job...shut up and drive.

  6. Wow, just wow. This guy clearly knows NOTHING about NASCAR and just how HOT it can be inside one of those things. Maybe he should stick to writing articles on golf or something instead of writing a hatchet job about any driver!

  7. don't agree

  8. I dont like articles like this one.  Just because someone earns what you and I consider to be a lot money, they shouldnt be criticized everytime they point out something they feel could be improved.  I can see both sides of the argument.  These drivers understand they're fortunate to do be doing what they do and earning what they do.  But we shouldnt expect them to always smile and say everything is perfect.  There human beings and they are going to have an opinion.

  9. Lets see you try it? I couldn't do it either!

  10. There are too many people that call different drivers whiners if they complain about anything when some wise@$$ shoves a microphone in his face directly after they climb out of their car.  Denny is one of the most fit drivers there is and he was noticeably spent after the long race at Pocono.  Jr looked like he was going to pass out, and he's not really out of shape.  With all the energy absorbing foam in the cars, I think they hold in heat they way a cooler keeps things cold.  I think the author of the article should quit whining about the drivers and shut up himself.  

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  11. Somebody needs to school that guy.  Put him in a firesuit and throw him in a car and run him around the track for about an hour.  That should give him a little taste of what the drivers go thru.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  12. No I do not agree with that at all! If that Jeff Wolf thinks driving these cars is so easy in the heat I would like to see him get in one and race. And finish in the top 5! I bet he could not do it!

  13. The guy that wrote that needs to be put behind the wheel, and forced to drive 500 miles around the track at Pocono in those same conditions, without any breaks, just as the drivers did, something tells me he'd be changing his tune a little, that was kinda ignorant of him to say.

  14. i think it would get way hotter than 90 degrees in that Car.

  15. i agree they need to cool the driver's down.... Denny almost past out this year, can not remember where but i remember him his crew member had to hold on to him because Denny was going to fall on his face!

    - also tony Stewart about a month ago had to run with no fans because of his battery problems..... Stewart had to sit down after the race to interview said he almost fells like vomiting due to in hailing fumes and the heat in the car!

    - i think if a car has battery problems due to the risk of our drivers health they should be black flaged from the race track.

    i don't think it is a good thing our driver's are inhaling exhaust fumes and stuff!

  16. No, I don't agree with him at all.  His tirade reads more like something a troll would post than a legitimate article.  Mr. Wolf seems to be the one doing the whining.

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