
Do you agree our existence is being through others?why?why not?give examples?

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Do you agree our existence is being through others?why?why not?give examples?




  1. yes

  2. Yes, by our contribution to the well-being of others we will in turn be fulfilled. This is operating on a higher spiritual law, which is universality, and not everyone is ready for it since they are still involved in their personal striving for things of the world, whether it be money, position, fame, whatever. When you are ready to make the greater contribution then all material things are set aside.

    Q.: Does it bring you inner peace? - If so, then you are moving in the right direction.

    Also, the greatest good in life is to be at one with one's neighbour and with God, so it is by LOVE and SERVICE that we can contribute to mankind, each in our own way.


    To be merely concerned about oneself - my needs, my wants, my expectations, hopes and dreams - all this leads to worries and anxieties because you are never sure if you will get what you want from others or the world, and if you don't get it then there is frustration and despair. So you see, what is required is not just the circle of self which is limited but a full circle of giving and receiving in the world so that your life is complete.

  3. No.

    My existence isnt dependent on something else, least of all a human being.

    You can liken the question to "If the tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear, does it make a sound?"

    Which is the modern take on the classical philoshophical statement Esse est precipi (something like that)- that is... to be is to be perceived. By that logic yes you exist through your freinds, and no the tree doesnt make a sound. However logically we know the tree makes a sound,but the medieval philsophers found an answer to satsify the masses(personally a cop out to me) : that the mind of God perceives everything and thus the tree would make a sound because God is perceiving the tree.

    Personally, I trust my own senses enough to believe that I exist and exist  in a fully functioning world. However if I were to doubt my senses, then I could not even then deny that I dont exist (look into Descartes). I beleive the person themself is suffiecient proof of their own existence.

    I argue "no" because even if my existence was dependent on another, what would happen when they died? Would I become "less" existent. Of course not, you either exist or you dont.

    I do beleive however (putting the nature of existence aside) that other people are neccesary to the growth of a human

    being, and that the we only have to look at the people one surrounds themself with to get a good glimpse of who they are. If thats what your asking.

    I do wish to comment on Yaoi Shonen-ai  answer to the question because I find it as an ignorant biased assesment. While he has given us an interesting history level in the Catholic Church's teaching, he is wrong in what would be the Church's postion on this question. The doctrine he brings up was before teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas- the champion (along with Augustine) of Catholic thought past and present.  While I do agree that one is important to his own understanding of self. It is ignorant to try to rationolize that man's nature (he is social by nature not contract) is simply weakness that makes his meaning on the level of a sheep or zombie. Man''s own self is not the sole key to understanding oneself. If it were, the only criterion on which to measure ourselves would be ourselves....we would think we were perfect. We need others to make a true value judgement. We are a social being, our nature calls us to be our best in the company of others. Man grows more from what he invests in others than himself. Of course you can get along well without others, but you become only stunted.

    If I accepted Yaoi Shonen-ai  argument then people are mere tools for me. My family is just biologically carrying out its duties and im using my freinds for my own personal advance. Of course this is never the case in reality. Because man is obligated toward one another. He is blinded when he forsakes that moral absolute.

  4. Yep, Robinson Crusoe made a real pig's ear of it.

  5. Yes.  We have to have shared experiences to make sense and understand what we are individually experiencing.

  6. Yes, because with out other humans we can not reproduce.

  7. It was until I discovered the internet!  Am I right or what?  Up high!

  8. Your questions leaves a lot open to interpretation. "Being" how? As in serving altruistically? As in finding a mate to "complete" us? As in we are created by the thoughts of others?

    No matter what you mean, my answer is an emphatic no. We exist, as Aristotle said, to fulfull our potential as "Man qua Man." This means individuality.

    If you were Catholic, I'd say your answer is yes. Altruism was devised as a tool for the Catholic Church to convince people to deny their egos in order to serve the Church as zombies. see Altruism

    But few people can complete such self-abnegation precisely because it turns them into zombies, walking through life without a goal of their own except to "find" themselves in the service of others, unhappy, unfulfilled and wondering why, wishing for death to part them from their conscious misery. They wonder where their lives went to; how they missed out on that career that should have been theirs or that girl/guy who should have been her/his b/gfriend.

    Our existence is through finding ourselves, and if we find others along the way, as we should, as we will, so much the better.

    But you cannot hope to find yourself "through" others. They are searching for themselves and have no time for hangers-on who don't know the meaning of their own lives--except through other people.

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