
Do you agree that Edge is doing a great character with this psychotic Edge?

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IMO, he's doing such a great job that WWE has let him do the build up for the HIAC match on his own. There hasn't been a Taker siting on SD since he's been reinstated.

To me, his character is like some psycho mass murderer/stalker from out of a Stephen King thriller.

What do you think?




  1. Yes

  2. edge is awesome


  3. i agree

    he does remind me of the joker from the dark night


  4. This is definately the best Edge I have seen in a while. He plays the psycho very well, and with this new insane turn, he looks like he actually stands a chance at beating Undertaker in HIAC.

    It's better than being a coward who'd get squashed in the cell with Undertaker, as Foley correctly pointed out. I think their match will be one very good contest, possibly match of the year.

    BTW, he reminds me of Jack Nicholson from the move The Shining, LOL.

  5. I LOVE it. I think he's doing "Joker" from The Dark Knight. I love him as a crazy guy. He's hilarious yet scary at the same time.

  6. he's a one man attitude era

  7. Yes, I absolutely love Edge playing the psychotic character, he does very well =]

    Me and my friend were just talking about that last night =]

  8. Edge is really carrying Smackdown right now. Triple H is not doing a whole lot lately because his wife had a baby. An arm wrestling match and a fight with Kenny Dykstra doesn't cut it. Smackdown was very boring without Undertaker when Edge was still sane. Seriously, there was a lineup of midcard matches, then Edge was shown getting his nails done with Vickie. Edge is doing great, I hope the change is permanent. Vickies's wheel chair ride was just priceless!

  9. Yes, I really like the new Edge. But I sincerely hope he and Vickie get what's coming to them.

    Oot! Stephen King Reference!

  10. i like edge as psychotic edge.

  11. He reminds me of The Joker from The Dark Knight. But yea I like it.

  12. i love psychotic edge and seeing edge go bananas on vickie last night was funny god i love the new edge it turns me on  

  13. This has to be one of Edge's best personas (or persoanae?  hahaha) ever.  He plays the over the Edge (hahaha) psycho character perfectly.  Almost TOO perfectly.  Even after SS, he should stick with it for a while.  I just hope Alicia Fox is dropped.  her character sucks.  I didn't see her the past week or 2 though...which is good.  Edge needs to do this, and not rely on outside help all the time.  That's old and lame.

  14. He reminds me of his 2004-2005 psychotic Edge.  Except then he was obsessed with the world title.

    But I think that Smackdown's gotten a lot better since he went crazy.

  15. crazy edge is the best edge character ever

  16. I posted a while back that Edge NEEDED to turn to a psychotic dude, because it makes him more dangerous. i think that "Ultimate Opportunist" gimmick really made him look very weak. And the way he's doing on this character is just f****** brilliant!

  17. actually yes i do agree with it he is acting very weird but that may be just what he needs to beat the undertaker even tho i want undertaker to win

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