
Do you agree that McCain is using the hurricane to save the GOP from embarrassment?

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After the phenomenal success of the Democratic Convention, the Republican Convention would seem like a small town hall event. Also, he has managed to side step President Bush speaking at the convention.




  1. No, I think he is going to stand on the levees and demand the hurricane pass right by.

  2. I think it's God's way of sparing us from George Bush.

  3. I most certainly do, I heard there was something of tens of thousand of protestors that were coming out to the RNC,and so this was another caniving, manipulative way to not have their convention..

  4. Well, he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.  I think he's trying to make the best of it.  Can't exactly change it.

  5. I think, especially after the horrible way Katrina was handled, the last thing the GOP want is for the Democrats to attack them again for not handling a national crisis early and quickly.

    I think we will still have the RNC, however, I think it will be a much more somber and solemn event that it would have been. Also, you have to bear in mind that many of the Republican representatives will not even be in attendance. They have made other plans or cannot make it due to other commitments. It will be interesting to see how the GOP handles this situation.

    The DNC was a phenominal event. History was made across the table. All four days held true to the promise of not only change, but victory. Victory for America in that we can finally move away from the old ways of the past, and can look to a new future.

    Funny thing is, I think there was someone in the GOP who wanted Obama to get rained out during his speech since it was out in the open. But he had clear skies and a full house (38 million strong). Now its the GOP getting a little bit wet, funny, eh?

  6. What success?  What platforms were spelled out?  No, I see McCain as being very prudent and concerned about New Orleans.  If they went ahead as usual you would say something bad about that too!  Come with issues instead of a smokescreen platitude!

  7. No . . He is showing interest, concern, and support !

    Unlike the Democratic Mayor and the Democratic Governor during Katrina.


  8. Lets be realistic here.  Most of the thousands of delegates are NOT emergency personnel and dont live anywhere near the hurricane area.  So there really isnt a REAL reason to cancel or change the schedule for the convention.  

    That being said, it would make the GOP look awfully un-compassionate if the News Networks showed a split screen of the GOP partying with funny hats while New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf was under water.

    I am sure McCain is breathing easier that after an entire week of being compared to Bush, Bush and Cheney now have a good reason NOT to come and speak.  I am sure that Cheney may even use the hurricane as a good reason to get out of speaking Thursday night too.  That way, no one can compare his speech to that of Obama's.

  9. you can't have it both ways. If he kept the convention schedule you and the dems would be ripping him for celebrating his nomination while the gulf coast is getting destroyed.

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