
Do you agree that Prince William is ideal to be the YOUTH IDOL worldwide?

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I admire him since I was in Highschool and for me I think he can be a very good model for the youth worldwide... I would love to hear comments from youth to each country here...and I would love to receive a real photo of Prince William from his fanatic who lives in UK..hope you can give me a response!!! More Power!!! Mahal kita Prince William!!!




  1. Good Lord, no, absolutely not.  What on earth has he done to be deserving of any such accolade?  Even his younger brother  would be more deserving and neither of them in my opinion  are decent role models of any sort.

    Widen your net, I'm sure you will find other young people who have contributed far more to society than either of these two pampered princes.

  2. no. I'm sure he's a great role model, but THE role model WORLDWIDE?  I don't suppose he's that great!

  3. Yeah, all his wealth comes from the British tax payer and all he's ever done to earn his own money is model underwear.  A fantastic role model if you've happened to grow up in an upper class house hold where every demand is met.  You people make me sick.

    Is it too late to have a French Revolution-esque uprising in Britain?  Guillotine, anyone?

  4. WHY?


    he's a nobody outside U.K.

  5. I think he's a great role model and very cute! better him than lindsay lohan as a role model.

  6. Like most upperclass people, he is educated and well-mannered.  However, he is living immorally with his girlfriend.

  7. I don't know if I would go THAT far, but I would date him in a heartbeat! Quite a cutey!

  8. No what has he accomplished?

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