
Do you agree that Providing on the beat police with hand held computers is a silly & non effective idea?

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* Another cheap idea & public money £50 millions wasted in the drains!

* Injecting money without good management will not sort the aim of increasing police time on the beat!

* Police will spend times x of its spent time at the scene to coplete his report & inputs on that pocket PC, so instead of spending his time at the P. station, he will spend it at scene!

* What about other incidents which require IRB, CARB , Tickets, statements & other!

* What about Domestic incidents envolving children, police will complete his report at scene, while he still has to do three more reports , Merlin, Crimint & 124D.

Police will look funny fiddling with his PC at scene, spending longer time.

** Police will be so distracted trying to use his PC at scene, , jeopardizing his safety.

*** On Occasions police will have no time to write any in pocket books, which are much quicker than PC!

**** Those adapting this idea are those who are away from the beats & real police work, dealing with figures only




  1. I think with these palm top things that the police will be having there is more scope for error and they will initially be more time consuming than writing down things in a notebook. I personally think that all police officers should be taught a form of shorthand writing ie pitman or teeline.

  2. Police are police and administrators r adminstrators. They cannot be both.

    You have the guys doing the job and then the pen pushers.

    What is happening is that they want the police to do the pen pushing and the job whilst their bosses are doing what exactly (having affairs, then climbing up mountains and being found dead at the bottom of one.)

    How much r the bosses getting paid!!!!!

  3. I did alright out of it.

  4. I think we should give it a go.

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