
Do you agree that ROH Respect is Earned II was the best wrestling PPV this month?

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0 LIKES UnLike wasn't Summerslam, it wasn't TNA Hard Justice, it was ROH Respect Is Earned II...




  1. I SAW IT TOO AND h**l YEAH IT WAS the best PPV this month

    ROH champ McGuinness WON!! with the London Dungeon submission!! Butcher,  Briscoe falls count anywhere WOW THAT WAS F'N AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I loved this PPV

  2. Yeh i agree. It was awesome. I've seen alot of PPV's but it really impressed me. Nigel McGuinness vs Go Shiozaki was probably my favorite match out the whole thing. No idea why, it just really impressed me and im quite fond of Nigel McGuinness. It also had a great match card. Something which TNA or WWE didn't have. I liked Summerslam more than Hard Justice but Respect is Earned was amazing.

    [Edit] LOL! I think us 3 and maybe some others on here are the only ones. Ive noticed i dont get as many answers when i ask ROH or TNA questions for that matter.

  3. LOL well spotted i think !! I would go as far and say that Respect is Earned II has been the best wrestling ppv this year.I'm a huge fan of pure technical wrestling like ROH, Pro NOAH or Dragon Gate and this didn't disappoint.It was almost as good as last year's Man Up ppv, with the last three matches definitely sure things to end up as the highlights of pro wrestling in 2008.

    Respect is Earned II had a solid undercard with the opening Vulture Squad vs Steen and Generico match worthy of main eventing any promotion with its blend of technical and power moves.I was impressed with Claudio Castognoli who continues to improve and was narrowly beaten by Nigel McGuinness at a NYC house show two weeks ago.

    Erick Stevens vs Roderick Strong was an excellent well worked match full of solid puroresu style wrestling,That amazing spot with the Superplex off the ladder through the table was stunning.Nigel McGuinness vs Go Shiozaki was spectacular and shows why McGuinness is right on top of his game.While Shiozaki is bringing his amazing Pro NOAH skills to ROH with great effect.This was as solid a singles match as i've seen all year.

    For me though it was Age of the Fall vs Bryan Danielson and Austin Aries as the pick of the event.An amazing rollercoaster of a match where Tyler Black came of age and showcased his true potential with his Small Package Driver and Phoenix Splash.The whole ppv was pure technical wrestling at it's absolute peak and ROH will have to come up with something spectacular to beat this one.

  4. you're right it was the best ppv this month because wwe and tna can't come close to roh and you guys are not the only ones who watch rohi watch it even thought Respect is Earned II was the first roh ppv i watched

  5. it really was. i always love to watch ROH and i have to agree that it was the best PPV this month


    EDIT: air sabu's back!

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