
Do you agree that Sarah Palin is John McCain's "Hail Mary Pass"?

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That's what the pundits on MSNBC are saying - a desperate very risky move that could really pay off! Do you agree or disagree?




  1. No. This choice will make him lose.

  2. I agree. Some talking heads love her because of her stance on abortion, the NRA, pro oil and those moronic issues that drive the GOP.

    But she has no real experience, is under investigation, and doesn't practice what she preaches.

    So I see an interception of a desperation pass at best.

  3. i think Palin looks more like Mccain's nurse!

    this is a joke! and an insult to many females...he think he's gonna get the NRA evangelical and women's vote with this...HE AINT GETTING MY VOTE

    he is a coniving old fossil! he is a trigger happy republican who will pull us into a hole! he will start random wars and it will be a disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  4. First of all you need to consider the source, MSNBC is the most left wing bias network on TV. So that means they will say anything nenegative they can about a social Conservative and they don't understand why anyone would be excited about someone with Palin's  record and views.

    Secondly consider the fact that McCain for the most part was Neck and Neck with Obama in the poles when he made this pick, so how can you call it dedesperate

    Personally I think it's brilliant.

    1. Her lack of experience works in his favor as it gives him a new chance to point out Obama's complete lack of experience without "attacking him" instead his standing up for his VP.

    2. The fact she's a woman addresses the "I want to make history voters". No bodys going to admit it but I think a lot of people want to vote for Obama just so they can say "i voted for the first black president" I'd even be tempted if he weren't a radical socialist. By having the option of the first Woman vice president on your ticket people get to make history either way.

    3. Her strong social Conservative record will bring the Christian right back into to campaign. If you have any doubt about that you should listen to the James Dobson's focus on the family program from monday. Before this nnomination and McCains clear statement about life starting at conception there was a strong risk of a huge portion of the republican base staying home.

    I also predict a huge fundraising surge after the convention.

    4. This suprise pick has redirected media attention from  McCains house blunder, the fact the republican convention is going on right after a devistating huricain and other negitive coverage.

  5. It is, and he has already been sacked. He better call timeout and find a new play because the clock is quickly winding down

  6. She should be president  

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