
Do you agree that Senator Obama has very talented speech writers?

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"Powerful and Presidential" is how today's speech was described by Steve McMahon on MSNBC, and I agree. The people who write those words are waaaay above average and the Senator's delivery makes it another historic event. His obvious love of this country made me even prouder to be an American and to have him represent our country!




  1. there's a reason why the Oscar for Screenwriting one of the "Big Three" individual awards (along with Acting and Directing) can't have a blockbuster Hollywood production without good writers...

  2. good speech writers are nice, but Obama will be even more impressive when he is able to make McCain look like GW Bush lite during their debates.

  3. "Very talented" - uh, no.  "Competent" - definitely.  They certainly write a lot of flowery language without much real depth or substance behind it. . . . As far as your assessment - sounds like the number of speeches you've heard is rather limited.  Here's a hint - don't depend upon MSNBC for guidance when it comes to a serious analysis of anything to do with Obama.

  4. I wouldn't expect him, or anyone else in his position  to hire bad speech writers.

  5. No, I don't agree, because I read the transcript of the speech and once again, there is no substance in it whatsoever. Obama speaks in large, broad terms without any solutions or taking a position on anything because he is a puss who is afraid of sticking his foot in his mouth. It was a rather flimsy speech, delivered very well, without any substance of any kind just like a high school football coach trying to rally his team at half time but has nothing to say about any specifics because the team is 40 pts down. Now just look at the new poll today and it shows that Obama has received no "bounce" from his tour overseas and McCain is within one point and gaining more ground even without any help from the media such as Obama has with his media carnival.

  6. The combination of good speech writers and great oratory skills usually results in a good speech.

    Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner" and "Ask not" (written by Ted Sorensen)

    Reagan's "Tear down this wall." (written by Peter Robinson)

    Roosevelt's "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." (don't know the writer)

  7. I thought todays speech was New World Orderish and he was the King! Very arrogant!

  8. Yeah. Having a good writer and teleprompter skills are my chief criteria, too.

  9. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....i would have to disagree!

  10. He is also an excellent speaker and that bodes well for him.

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