
Do you agree that Shawn Johnson has more class than people twice her age?

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When she lost the gold during the team competition and the individual all-around, she was still smiling throughout the whole thing and genuinely look like she was having a good time despite the difficulties.

And she genuinely seemed happy for Nastia when she won the gold.

Never once did see pout, look angry, jealous or complain about the judging.

She even said that she wouldn't trade any of her silver medals for gold because of what she went through to get them.

You can't fake sincerity like that. She's the real deal.

Talk about mature beyond her years and a class act.

At 16, she puts all of the whiny "adult" athletes to shame.




  1. true..... but did you see nastia's face when she lost of the chinese girl,

  2. Yes she does I am 15 and i know she has way more class than me.

  3. I absolutely agree that Shawn Johnson is quite a remarkable young lady.  She is a geuine heart which is visible in her expressions, as well as her actions.

  4. I agree with you.she is a classy never see her whine...even if she doesnt place..

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