
Do you agree that Water is indeed the Blue Gold...?

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Well, I believe our civilization might collapse without the Black Gold... but without the Blue Gold, our civilization would surely come to an end!!

Agree or disagree? Why...?




  1. No, water is much more important than gold.  A lack of water can lead to starvation and economic collapse.  A lack of Gold just results in more expensive jewelry.

  2. Our civilization began because of water.

    The first four great civilizations evolved around rivers:

    Egypt - the Nile

    China - The Yellow River

    India - the Indus River Valley

    Mesopotamia - Tigris&Euphrates

    In the near future, there'll be wars over water especially in the Middle East. It's a growing issue of concern.

  3. I like to think of Gold as the Gold Gold.

  4. water is clear. chris judd is blue gold. our civilisation would crumble without chris judd. so yes that statement is correct in some way

  5. Absolutely.  Without water nobody would be alive!  It could become even more valuable as a fuel in the future too as scientists have discovered a way to light it on fire with radio waves!

  6. I agree, I live in the u.k and few last July we were hit by terrible flooding our Water treatment centre flooded hich meant we had no water for 10 days, during that time I witnessed things that were truly horrible, people fighting in shops over bottled Water , so much so that armed police were bought in to deal with it.  The army were deployed to get water to the homes, those who were able had to get to a water point to fill up cars with water and others had it delivered, Water bowsers were put on every street, but some lowlifes were contaminating them with washing up liquid, some were even under guard as people were fighting over the bowsers.  We really had to think before we used water, that meant for washing, cooking, flushing the loo, drinking.  My friend who has 4 boys made them pee behind the shed so she didnt have to flush the loo!!!  We all had paddling pools set up in the gardens to catch rain to use for toilets etc...  At the same time though our community got stronger, I had people knock on my door to ask if I had enough as I had small children, these people have lived by me for 6 yrs and we never spoke before, people struck up conversations at the water bowsers, we even set up a webpage dedicated to giving away unwanted furniture to flood victims.  Those 10 days without water were very very hard as were the 10 days after catching up on washing etc.. but on the whole I was actually sorry to see the bowsers go as they did restore your faith in human nature and gave a sense of comminity..  I really think we take water for granted and yes civilisation would definatly come to an end without it!!!

  7. Oh yes I agree with you. You can't drink oil when your thirsty and corn doesn't grow without water.

    We almost had the first "water war" between Turkey and Iraq when 10 years ago Turkey planed to dam the Euphrates River for a huge irrigation project in SW Turkey.

    Of course another war got in the way. Rumors have the Kurds would like to buy a few black market nukes if the Turks continue to cut off the flow of the Euphrates.

  8. yes I do

  9. Of course .  Without water there is no life.

  10. agree. Universal solvent

  11. blue gold is more important than black gold...we lived without this black gold in the old days, but not with out the blue gold..gotta have it to survive

  12. Well obviously what you said is true. We need water to sustain life. I read an article a few years back that said in fifty years the wars in the Middle east will not be fought over oil, but water. Once we discover a realistic renewable fuel, I think that it will become less speculation and more reality.


  13. Without the Black gold, it might get crazy for a while, but we would adapt and survive,

    Solar powered cars ,  with dynamos on the wheels already exist, they can almost  charge themselves as your drive around.

    But in the next few decades we could see wars over , fresh water, certainly wars over Land and food as sea levels rise

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