
Do you agree that Words have Power? Everyone says that words can heal or hurt...such is their power, But

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I wonder if the power lies with the words; the speaker; or the receiver!?! If I speak some words with equal force, effect is not the same on everyone. Why?




  1. .


  2. Context, and subjectivity.

  3. Yes, they do, but,.. it's a power that either lasts at 'one moment'...or 'forever'. The impact usually comes from 'the speaker' to the 'receiver'.  The words, as spoken by, received by, --- altogether measure the magnitude. There is no way we can know how powerful words are without seeing the actual effects.

    A good receiver doesn't just use his ears, but rather, his mind and heart to hear.  A good speaker thinks a hundredth times before letting go of words...for he knows, that once 'words' are spoken,..they'd be like autumn leaves scattered all over the ground,.. with no way to gather them back onto their boughs... again.

  4. The word itself has a power, while the individual can interpret the same word in a different manor and give it a lessor or more importance or even a different meaning.

    i.e. the same Bible is interpreted to mean different things to different groups of people , hence the different religious groups (Protestant, Baptist,Southern Baptist Presbyterian ...

    Try this word game verbally ask "Does two plus too equal fore ?" then "To plus too equal four ?" and so on or lowered , Lord , and many other words

    And lets not forget Presitent Clinton's "What is  is ?"

  5. it may be possible that who ignore your thoughts having more knowledgable and experience than you that is why he ignore your thoughts.

  6. Words do have powers.  Some have more impact than the others.  That is why we should choose them carefully.

    It is tough to decide where exactly the power lies--in the words or their use?   If in their use then with the speaker or the recepient?  

    Some speakers have the knack of enthusing words in such a way that the listeners are mesmerised.  Such orators can sway public opinion and pass on ideas effortlessly.  Whereas poor inept speakers can waste powerful words because they lack the gift of gab.

    The role of listeners is equally important.  Some offer resistance,  while others are more open and welcoming.  The capacity of the listeners in understanding or misunderstanding what is being said matters a lot.  Some remain steadfast even when abused while others react instantly to most innocuous words too.  

    It is a tough call.  Words can be hurled as rocks to break the barriers or can hit a strong wall and break into pieces.

  7. I agree.

    Words have power, words have more power then any environmental noise or natural voices.

    IF you say there is a FIRE, people around you will shock and try to find out where is fire. That effect probably will be same on everyone, because its a natural data base of action and reactions by Words.

  8. Words have meaning and in their meaning is power but if a person knows the intentions of the speaker as being dishonest in motives than they can not move the weight.

  9. I believe the power lies with the receiver.   If the receiver is not sensitive enough,  no matter how powerful the speaker or the word, the signal will not catch the ear....  Like a seed falling on fertile soil...

    First come the receiver, then the speaker and finally the right word said in the right sequence...

    A word is dead

    When it is said,

    Some say.

    I say it just

    Begins to live

    That day.

    Emily Dickinson

  10. because the power is not the words themselves, but knowledge. words are just the method used to transmit knowledge. people react differently to the same words or same message, because given their prior knowledge, they perceive it differently, like maybe one would reject it the other believe it.

    like you could tell a young child that the tooth fairy is coming tonight, because they are new to the world and don't know yet what is reasonable for reality and what is unreasonable.

    but somebody who knows more about the world, who's been alive for a while, knows that invisible fairies that collect teeth at night and leave money in its place is unreasonable and that it is a lie parents tell their children, and parents take the teeth and leave the money pretending to be the tooth fairy.

    so for a child, "the tooth fairy is coming," and an adult "the tooth fairy is coming" have a different meaning.

    the one took your words for knowledge, whereas the other's prior knowledge is such that they refute what you have said.

    knowledge is the electricity, words are just the copper wiring.

    so for open minded people words can be more powerful than close minded people. because they are accepting of the power and ready to receive knowledge. whereas close minded cling to what they have known and refuse to consider or listen to new information.

    for being hurt, some people are bullet proof and care not of the opinion of others while other people care more, most likely because some are more insecure or concerned about  what they think are their flaws, either because of their own views or how they perceive others' views to be.

    electricity is powerful, but some materials are not conductors. electricity can only go through certain materials.  it is not those materials that have the power, but the power of electricity cannot be realized when connected to them. knowledge is this way. our minds can either be knowledge conductors, or not, they can use the power of knowledge or not.

  11. The power lies with the individual.

    It doesn't matter what's spoken,

    or whose the speaker.  

    Ultimately, it's how the individual

    accepts, views, and internalizes

    the words.  

  12. The mouth takes in food and is expelled, wicked and negative words which come out of one's mouth becomes one with energy which eventually reaches the receiver.  The receiver feels the negative energy or someone delivers the words which were spoken, but just like the big fish story, the words have changed.

    Depending on where someone is in their spiritual growth their reaction to some words will not affect them the way the words would affect someone who has not developed spiritually.

    Insecurity causes humans to be highly sensitive to certain words and phrases.

    The more insecure you are the more likely you are going to feel the stabbing of certain words.

    None of us are devoid of this.  I don't care where you are in your journey of spiritual growth.

  13. Words are labels for feelings and ideas.  That's it.  Just sounds associated with experiences we have.  The actual sequence of vibrations moving through the air doesn't have any intrinsic meaning in the universe.  But when the vibrations strike our ear drums and get processed by our brains is when they have meaning.  And our individual brains don't give the exact same meaning to a word.

    For example, the word 'dog' is spoken.  Your experience with dogs is a family pet that everyone loved and played with.  My experience with dogs as a former paper boy is that of chasing, barking and snarling.   Some things will be the same, like four legs, chasing cars and barking.  But other things, like disposition and general nature, will be different.  So when the word dog is spoken each of our minds will bring up a different set of things, because this is our past association/experience with this word, this sound, this sequence of letters or scratch marks on paper.  I could say the word dog to a Chinese person and it would have no meaning or power at all.

    So I would say that most of the power is programmed into us, the receiver, by the meaning we have for the words when we hear them, how we interpret what is being spoken.  This meaning may be different for individuals, which is why a speaker must consider the audience to choose words properly.  And is also why people can get offended when there was no offensive intention.

    The speaker can get power if he/she can find out what words have meaning to the people he/she's trying to speak to, and then have the skill to put those words together in a way that accurately conveys what message they want to give to those people.

  14. Sound itself has so much influential power. But people are able to block negativity from sound, words, thoughts. Some are not strong to do that and are effected more. Some speakers have power and some words have power whereas others do not. But I think the power of the speaker to accept and reject is important with negative speech. The positive person is stronger than the negative word or speaker he hears from but the positive speaker or words may be stronger than the negative reciever. Hopefully. Made sense?

  15. everyone is an individual, just as words, there is only as much power as one allows

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