
Do you agree that a boy that grows up not having a Father will struggle in life?

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Do you agree that a boy that grows up not having a Father will struggle in life?




  1. yes and no, i grew up more or less without a dad and i'm doing quite well at the same time i know people that haven't that ain't so nice, but you can't narrow it down to one cause, especially these days

  2. I think better not to have any father at all than an abusive one, but in general I think obviously ideally it would be better for a boy to have a father in his life, especially one that is a good role model but if not at least some other male influence like a grandfather, uncle or male family friend that he can trust and bond with would be good.

  3. everyone struggles with something in life, so yes.

    my best mate virtually grew up without her father (and when he was there he was abusive) and she has struggled with that. i grew up with a loving but slightly alcoholic father and struggled with that and my relationship with mother... everyone struggles.

  4. depends on if the kid feels like the father can be a impact.

    but sum can feel that without the dad they must show that they can be like any other kid and be a Man of the family.

  5. not necessarily it makes them more likely to struggle thru life some people will find it easier then others like with anything

    but yes most boys who grow up without a father will struggle

  6. No, as long as the mother is a competent parent they should be fine.

  7. So long as the child is loved and has a strong male and female role model whether its a parent, relative or close friend then they will be fine.

  8. for some yes and for others no

    i grew up without a father (died when i was 6 from bone cancer)

    but i think the road is quite harder then what other people have, but the life experiences you gain are priceless and will make you mature much faster.

    and i can see why so many people could of turned out much worse, i mean there is almost no one to enforce discipline at the house, so some people might go too far with that....

  9. it depends. is the father a nice, responsible, hard-working gentleman? or is he an abusive drug-addict with mental issues? sometimes the child is better off if you see what i'm getting at!

  10. No.  I know quite a few people who grew up without a father and have become well adjusted adults.

  11. ya  i think that

  12. Not necessarily, it depends on who the parenting figure in his life is and if there are other male role models. Obviously the ideal is to have the father, but just because he's not there doesn't mean the kid will have a harder life.

  13. i don't know if he'll struggle in life, i mean take a look at tamer(he's an arab singer), he's doing pretty well.

    but then  again , i knew this guy, he lost his dad when he was little, he doesn't necessarily struggle financially(at least not that i know), but turns out he's all screwed up, he does struggle emotionally and morally.i guess it depends on what kinda person you are and how u deal with life.

  14. nah no chance

  15. no he will have a better life...mines going dad was abusive

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