
Do you agree that alterations to Donington will spoil the track?

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Don't get me wrong I'm not a great Silverstone fan but with limited space to make alterations Donington as it is now will cease to exist which is a great shame.




  1. I've been twice to the Renault World cup even though i've never been a fan of Donington, i've always felt it was too short and hardly any corners except for the end of the lap, so i think these improvements could be just what it's looking for.  What i do think will happen now though is, during the events like the Renault World cup, where everyone's alowed nearly anywhere, there will be alot more restrictions due to more buildings (new pit complex) and more infield track.

  2. money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money

  3. I don't think so really. The changes to Spa-Francorchamps didn't do anything to upset the fans.

  4. I found this news very annoying!

    I really like Silverstone. Why couldn't the Trustees have gotten their act together? Aaah!

    I don't care about Donnington!

  5. Its a possiblity but try too look on the bright side Britian still has a GP

  6. I've not been there, but after conversations with people who have I tend to agree with you. They will be having to make a lot of changes to 'bring it up to F1GP standard'. I really don't think Bernie has thought this through on a fans perspective. Personally I think he was just being spiteful. Its funny how when the BRDC finally get planning permission to do the changes at Silverstone Bernie just takes the GP away from them. Once again I think this deal was just for the money men.

  7. You're right, and the worst thing is that Hermann Tilke will oversee the changes.

  8. If they can keep the first few corners down to the old hairpin exactly the same as now, then they will have retained the vital character of the track. They can stick an extra quick loop on the second half of the circuit without making too much of a difference to how the circuit will drive.

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