
Do you agree that as a whole human beings are getting dumber and dumber with each passing generation?

by  |  earlier

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I think it is true. Probably as a result of dumb people having more children than smart people.




  1. No, not at all.  Dumb is defined as slow to learn or understand.  The opposite is true with the availability of information and the advance of technology.  But you knew that.

  2. A lot of it also has to do with technology I think. We are starting to rely on technology much more than using our own minds. Children these days can barely do math with out a calculate.

  3. If you haven't seen the movie 'idiocracy' check it out.


  5. I would hope not. However, many more children are having children, and are not getting as involved with their children. Another issue is too many parents are trying to be their "friend" and not be hard on them about education and how important it really is. Also many people feel that it is only the teacher that is supposed to teach their children, when in reality it should not stop when the child leaves school.

  6. I don't know, depends how you look at it.  There have been lots of innovations and technological increases.  In many ways we are much more advanced than previous generations.  I think that this has a tradeoff though.  I think newer generations take more for granted than older generations, and there is definitely a loss of connection with nature.  In some ways we are 'dumber' and others we are 'smarter' as generations pass.  However, i cannot say for sure because I haven't been around that long.

  7. I think that some people are getting much smarter and others are getting much dumber. I believe it is all in the way you are raised.

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