
Do you agree that basic education must be 11 years?

by Guest61707  |  earlier

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Do you agree that basic education must be 11 years?




  1. Basic education is 11 years..5 - 16 years old.  The government has changed it recently to also add job training and working for life eg apprenticeships and college courses for 16 -18 year olds.  You are lucky if you can get a nursery place under 5 years for a 3 or 4 year old.  If it were my choice I would send my children to school as early as possible (3 years old) so they can formulate friendships and start learing early and I would not let them leave until they were 18 when they have had the option to do an apprenticeship or gained qualifications for university...So I suppose I`m saying I`d like to see my children participate in 15 years of education (age 3 - 18) and become well rounded individuals with a life plan before leaving school.

    Giving students the opportunity to gain skills for life and skills to help them find work has to be classed as `basic` education doesn`t it? Not just the 3rs

  2. No.

    Any amount of time is purely arbitrary.  

    For some students to obtain a "basic education" it might only take say 8 years.  For others, it might take 12 or 13.

    There is probably an average or a median but any student that falls outside the average or median is poorly served.

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