
Do you agree that greater hearts and minds would not get frustrated all too quickly ?

by  |  earlier

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could you write a poem about that ?




  1. I understand where you are coming from with this notion, but in my opinion that is all the reason why fustration comes about.  From what I've seen " most " of the people who become fustrated are the ones who were " clairvoyantly " , " intellectually " , and " spiritually " aware of what was and is really going on in life.  Think about it ....most of the well known notorious criminals known in the world were people of high I.Q.    .... if it were for them or the people of this world today to just be dumb or ignorant then none of this nonsense that we face in this day and time would mean anything to us or effect us in any meaningful way.  So therefor , the more knowledge and information that you obtain that allows you to become aware in any form or manner - the more tougher and senseless the regressive behavior of the world becomes.

    " According to the subtle kind "

  2. greater minds and hearts are so rare, there is one in a million, if he/she let every fool of this million waste his/her time, we would have still been in stone age, not even fire would have been invented


  4. Is there a greater heartache one has to wonder,

    Then a daughter or a son caught in life's blunder.

    Alcohol or drug use causing them to be the living dead,

    They stumble and fall and can't get pain out of their head.

    The heart has shut down, hidden behind a great wall,

    Loved ones pray and try to catch them when they fall.

    Their children neglected, needs not met on a daily basis,

    They mean well and try to be better, so many sad cases.

    Rehab is avoided and shunned for some unknown reason,

    No light allowed in their soul, it feels like high treason.

    Ask any Mom or Dad who's been there and shed tears,

    Watching their child unable to be better is a great fear.

    So we love and whisper their names in daily prayer,

    We want the demons gone and life to be with *normal* cares.

  5. yes, I agree.   yes, agree again.

    I believe God has covered everything..  

    but you could write a poem.

    You'd find some great inspiration on that subject in the bible.

    proverbs 14:29

    He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalts folly. (stupidity)

  6. I do not agree completly. I think a greater heart would know patience, and be less prone to agreesiveness and anger. However a great mind does not neccesarily know the understanding of the heart and is then prone to be more quick to act with hostility.

  7. i agree very much

  8. I disagree.

    I have a thought; a theory.

    A picture through my breathe.

    Always question the thought;

    'Are you afraid of death.'

    How does a person feel?

    And why do they do?

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