
Do you agree that high population growth is related to lack of useful activities?

by  |  earlier

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In developed countries, people are very busy from morning until evening; sometimes they work 12-16 hours a day. Going back home, probably they browse internet or see cable TV. Thus, they typically have 1-2 children only, some of them have no child.

In developing countries, people typically work 8-10 hours a day, thus they still have time to go home, watch TV, see their loved ones, & do "ML" few times a week.

In countryside, e.g. small town or village, people don't have much to do in the evening. Probably they watch news or listen to radio for a while, then have nothing else to do in cold nights... but they still have somebody to "warm up"... so the "best" thing to do probably is making babies. Thus, typically they have 3,5, sometimes more children.

What do you think?

Note: Please don't get offended, I am just curious. I am from a big city in a developing country, and my parent is from a small town. Please tell your opinion and reason.




  1. I am not sure that your argument is valid.  I know people that have fairly large families based on their value system.  I was one of four and both of my parents were both one of seven.  I myself have no children but all of my siblings have 1,2,4 respectively.  I do not think that lack of anything better to do has anything to do with it.  Personally I would love to have a decent size family but I know that I am not ready for one, so I am not even trying.  I have a friend that has six children and his wife would like one more.  I also have some friends that have only one and do not want anymore.  I believe that there are a lot of reasons for large and small families.  probably too many reasons to list here on this website.  

    If we look at statistics for fertility rates we see that rates are dropping world wide probably because there is less and less resources available to meet the needs of the growing populations, but then even my thought on that is just speculation.

  2. i actually think number of children is more related to socioeconomic status (education and income) rather than bored/not bored.

    Many people in developing countries have limited education & also control over their lives & may not have much of a choice whether to have children or not (eg. unaware of or partner refuses to use contraception - some religious beliefs).

    Developed countries on the other hand - people have high costs associated with high incomes (mortgages etc) & busy lifestyles so only perceive that they are able to care for a smaller number of children.

  3. Dear my friend,

    i would like to tell u that the both of them have very strong relation.

    so ,i agree with u,

    that the high growth of people in a country will be very effected by the lack of the useful activities.

    one of its influence is they have much more time to do many things ,e.g, making babies.

    we can see what happened around us, we are the same we come from small city,let's say village in indonesia 'desa'.

    almost every family has more than 5 children.

    it is caused they have much more times at home than to work.

    basicly i wanna tell u that educational background is also very effected.

    do u know  why i told u that the unuseful activities are more proper to say that this statement  is the very most influenced than others.

    because this is real and fact.

    and if we compare the developed countries to us, they have very small family only, 1,2 children enough.,the big reason one is becouse of the small time for them to stay at home and to do unuseful things at home..

    so,they have no time to  think making lobe for a baby.,and more...

    thanks,see u in the next questions.

  4. Understanding about human physiology and access to contraception are major factors, as are religious beliefs and economic factors including income, social status, access to health care and education etc. People in more developed nations have the option of choice, and more personal control, than those in third world countries.

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