
Do you agree that kids these days are very spoiled?

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Okay kids these days are getting cell phones at 9 and 10!

They are dressing like they are a lot older. By that i mean like abercrombie american eagle etc. And theyre outfits are getting,well,S****y. They are even wearing make up, at very young. The ages im reffering to are like 9-12. Does anyone else agree with me on this?




  1. I am not sure I would call them spoiled... I would call the parents misguided .... A big problem is that many parents work and do not have the extra time, or the energy to spend time one on one and instead compensate in a material way... I am a stay at home mom and because of that we do not have those finances available, but I want to spend time with my children and teach them and learn from them and be a good mother... that involves a lot of time, but very little money.... but please understand that this is our choice (mine and my husbands) .. my children do not have and did not have (some are adults and parents already) name brand clothes cell phones or a car at 16, but none of them feel they are missing out on anything... they know if it rains when they get off the school bus I will be waiting with an umbrella...

  2. I agree with this. This is happening everywhere.  When I was at that age we were playing in the street, watching cartoons, and all fun kids stuff.

    Now they are wearing make up, have a cell phones and talk about s*x all the time

  3. Okay listen, things change!

    200 years ago **** was differnt than it was when your grandparents were kids, therefore grandparents had it better.

    Your parents had it better than your granparents and at the moment the 21st generation kids have it better than everyone before us.

    IT'S THE WAY OF ******* LIFE! i don't like it much either but c'mon quit your bitching.

  4. along with the parents not knowing what their children do, and letting them ruin their complexion with makeup, and hair products and letting them all color their hair wacky colors, seeing teens with their pants so low its almost too hard to walk, and they walk like they are bow legged anyway with their hideous boxers hanging out.

    Not only that.

    but they lack what seems to have disappeared.

    D I S C I P L I N E.

  5. Whatever.  You old timers dont give us a chance.  Before you judge us you just stick a whole heap of rules in our faces and then wonder why we have so many anger issues.  People that grew up from mid seventies to early ninties had it easier then the youth of today even without all todays modern technology.  You all complain because were different from what you all were!

  6. I'm 13 and I'm not allowed to have a cellphone until I can pay for it myself, yes I do think that many many kids my age and younger are spoiled, but you can't just blame the parents, it takes two to tango.

    I haven't gotten into make-up yet, I tried eyeliner and I hated the way it made me look.

    I don't think i dress "S****y"

    the tightest thing that I have are my skinny jeans, which I don't wear alot in the summer, my shorts are never much higher then my knees, and when/if I wear a skirt I always have leggings.

    And Most of the time I wear baggy shirts, or a jacket.

    I think it depends on the kid and the parents.

    At the age of 10 and 9 kids shouldn't have cellphones, who do they need to call anyways?

    I think if they had one it should be those one where there is only a few numbers that you can call and your parents put in.

    Like, home,police,mom's cellphone and dad's cellphone.

    Even though I don't get a cellphone I do think of myself as somewhat spoiled.

    For christmas I got a new computer, I am only allowed on for 3 hours a day, but the computer cost alot plus I got a psp.

    I also just got a tablet for my birthday, which cost 200 dollars.

    but I did offer to pay half of that.

    Any new clothes that I want I have to buy, but clothes that I need my mom does.

  7. yes i totally agree

  8. Yes i do and im a kid i think im very spoild. sometimes i wish i wasnt has spoiled as i am


  9. no. only some are. i know kids that age who are spoiled. when i was about 12, i started wearing Hollister and AE. but i kept it very simple.

  10. absolutely, you know what it is? Parents being lazy. Too lazy to inforce rules and too whimpy to tell their kids "no". Its sad

  11. I can't believe some of the outfits people let little kids wear these days, they look like miniature hookers, seriously.

    Some parents need to grow up! at their age they are suppose to be buying them Minnie Mouse t-shirts and they are buying them leather mini skirts. It's truly sad :(

  12. Oh, i certainly do agree with you. It's sad.

  13. Part of this is probably the generation gap, and part of it is also the media and peer pressure (and in many sad cases, parental pressure) affecting younger and younger girls.

    This age group tends to see lots of advertisements promoting clothing and makeup, as well as their favorite celebrities wearing tons of makeup.

  14. yes

  15. I agree that kids are dressing too old for their age, but I wouldn't call that being spoiled.  

    If they come to expect these things, THEN they are spoiled.  

    Parents need to act like parents, not enablers.

  16. oh yes i agree. its so wrong. and its like the parents dont care. the world has changed and its gonna get even worse.

  17. I think it depends on the parents. I think some parents think that its "cute" to allow their daughters to dress the way they do.   I am going to do my best to make sure that my daughters stay little girls for as long as possible.  I have a 13 year old neice, she is still very much a little girl, doesn't wear make up, dresses very conservativly, and not really into boys.  Her parents are very strict, I also have a friend that has a 13 year old daughter that "thought it was cute" to allow her to start wearing make up at the age of 10.  Now the girl dresses and acts like she is way older than she is.  I put the blame 100% on the parents.

  18. Yes, I have noticed this, but it isn't the kids' fault.  It's the parents' fault.  Kids will constantly push the envelope -- it's up to the parents to draw the line and set the rules.  I think all the stuff you described is evidence of a society-wide breakdown in parenting rather than an indication that there is anything wrong with the kids......

  19. yesss!!!!

    i totally agree, its even worse because of parents that let them act this way, if parents actually put their foot down their kids wouldnt be that way. but mabie thats just me...

  20. yes i do although yes, i did have a cell fone at 9 BUT im only allowed to wear lip gloss and light eyeshadow and me and my mom HATE those clothing stores and yea i do agree with you. btw im 12 but not like all the other ones ;] i only look 13 or 14 because im tall and developed if you know what i mean. yeah it is sad i hate seeing girls with eyeliner so thick you can even see the bags under there eyes.

  21. of course i agree. we used to think that teenage pregnancy was bad now its pre-teen pregnancy. next thing is going to be infant pregnancy.sheesh.

  22. yhh

  23. yeah a bit. lol i agree completely.

    a cell phone usually starts it. they ask for it and they get it. then their ego gets big because they have a cell phone, then they are acting and dressing like they are 20.

  24. If I was spoiled then i'd have the one thing I really want.

  25. i dont know but im goin into my senior year and all ive gotten from my parents in the last 4 years is a 20$ itunes card for christmas...... lol

  26. I just got back from the supermarket today and there was a little boy In noticed when I walked in and he was having a "case of the cutes" walking around trying to get attention and I thought oh boy, that kid is really spoiled and sure enough, about 15 minutes later you could hear him screaming all over the market, he was hanging down to the floor, his mother was trying to hold him up and he was just yelling his head off about something he wanted and it was his birthday and on and on and his face was all red and honestly I was so thankful he wasn't my child. If any one of us had behaved like that in public OR at home we would have been killed. Whining is bad enough but this kid was having himself a full on tantrum. Tha woman needs Super nanny!

  27. I just finished babysitting my 7 year old nephew today. He ate his Lunchable desert before his food and of course didnt eat his food. I told him that I was going to call his Mom and he replied, "Go ahead, I've been in trouble a thousand times before so, it wont mean anything." Not only are they spoiled, but are smart mouthed too. LOL. He told me!!

    As for the older kids, they have more than I do! I cut my cell phone off because I couldn't afford it. It kills me when I see a 10-11 year old walking past me with not only a cell phone but a sidekick! I can't stand the way the guys (mostly) wear their pants below their butts! What is that about?

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