
Do you agree that love is blind .....?

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If so , in what ways....?




  1. I thought in your case it was deaf.

    deaf and blind? I certainly don't envy the object of your love. I predict it won't last very long, I hope there are no kids involved.

  2. In Literature :

    In ancient times, nothing existed except Virtues and Vices. And they were very bored.

    One day, the Creativity created a game and called it (Hide and Seek game). They (Virtues and Vices) were all happy to play the new game and the Insanity shouted loudly and said: “I want to start… I want to start first…” then the Insanity closed its eyes and started counting out loudly: “ONE… TWO… THREE… FOUR…..”

    They started to hide: The Tenderness found a place over the moon for itself, the Treason hid itself under a garbage pile, the Fondness got to hide between clouds, while the Longing got to hide underground and finally the Lying said loudly: “I will hide under the rock” and went to hide at the bottom of a lake.

    The Insanity continued counting out: “SEVENTY NINE… EIGHTY… EIGHTY ONE…..” during that they (Virtues and Vices) finished hiding except the Love. As usual, it wasn’t a decision maker so it couldn’t decide where to disappear. This is not surprising to anyone. We all know how difficult it was to conceal love.

    The Insanity continued: “NINETY FIVE… NINETY SIX…..”

    When it reached hundred, the Love quickly jumped amid the bush of Roses and disappeared inside. The Insanity opened its eyes and searching and said: “I’m comin… I’m comin…”

    The Laziness was found the first because it made no effort to conceal itself. Then the Tenderness appeared over the moon. After that, the Lying emerged from the bottom of the lake taking a deep breath and pointed to the Longing to appear.

    The Insanity found them all one after another except the Love. The Insanity was just about to despair in its search for the Love when the Envy came and whispered: “the Love is inside the bush of pink roses.”

    The Insanity picked up a garden fork and started to stab the bush of pinky roses frivolously to make the Love get outside.

    It didn’t stop until it heard a voice crying with a heart-rending voice.

    The love came outside putting its hands over its eyes with blood running from between its fingers. The Insanity shouted repentantly: “Ooh god! What did I do??!!” and continued: “What can I do to be redeemed of my sin after I made you blind??!!”

    Love said : "you can't make me see again, but you can be my guide."

    And that’s what happened. Love became blind - always led by Insanity.

    In Science :

    Scientists have shown that there is a degree of truth in the old adage that love is blind.

    They have found that feelings of love lead to a suppression of activity in the areas of the brain controlling critical thought.

    It seems that once we get close to a person, the brain decides the need to assess their character and personality is reduced.

    The study, by University College London, is published in NeuroImage.

    The researchers found that both romantic love and maternal love produce the same effect on the brain.

    They suppress neural activity associated with critical social assessment of other people and negative emotions.

    The UCL team scanned the brains of 20 young mothers while they viewed pictures of their own children, children they were acquainted with, and adult friends.

    The team found that the patterns of brain activity were very similar to those identified in an earlier study looking at the effects of romantic love.


    Both studies recorded increased activity in parts of the brain's "reward system".

    When these areas are stimulated - as they can be by food and drink, or even monetary gain - they produce feelings of euphoria.

    But perhaps more surprisingly, both studies also showed reduced levels of activity in the systems necessary for making negative judgements.

    Similar findings have been found in animal studies.

    Lead researcher Dr Andreas Bartels said it was crucial that both romantic and maternal love were viewed by the brain in a highly positive way - because both were crucial to the perpetuation of the species.

    He said: "Our research enables us to conclude that human attachment employs a push-pull mechanism that overcomes social distance by deactivating networks used for critical social assessment and negative emotions, while it bonds individuals through the involvement of the reward circuitry explaining the power of love to motivate and exhilarate."

    The research did highlight one difference in the brain's response to romantic and maternal love.

    Only romantic love triggered heightened activity in the hypothalamus - which controls feelings of arousal.

  3. True love is overcomes physical aspects or even aspects in one's character and goes beyond that. When love is blind you don't see race, religion, physical imperfections (like weight or beauty or age)

    True love is so pure that it can be a mirror of one's heart through their eyes.

    But it's really hard to find true love, that love that is BLIND...people are so selfish (by nature, they can't help it) so rarely does one love another in this way. Usually people love someone because they are young or pretty or smart or have lots of money etc...

    Now another way of looking at the expression love is blind is when you're in love with a person and this person keeps hurting you over and over and you don't see that, you suffer in silence and cry so many sleepless nights and pretend as if all is all right so that you never hurt that other person and you never let them know how much you're hurting that case your love is making you so blind that you can't see that you have to get out of this relationship...YOUR LOVE IS BLINDING YOU

  4. Yes i do ... i have been there its to blind to be true .... so does the saying  says  what your heart sees your mind will approve why you may ask ?

    The most important thing in a human been is :

    Brain ======> Logic usually its the most important but sometimes the heart wins percentedge 80 % the heart wins.

    heart  ======>love and feelings

  5. When ur in love, u just can't see the faults of the person u love, u see them beautiful, unique, special, what ever they do, u always find an excuse for what they're doing ... You just can't see what u saw before u fell in love with them or their "real" colors lol Love is the strongest emotion & it becomes biological, when ur in love ...... (go back to line one) =) Maybe that's why when two people grow apart or the love becomes weaker (although i dnt blv in this), u start seeing the faults of the other person ... U start seeing the person subjectively, & not from one point of view (Your Heart)

  6. yh of course it is

    how do u explain it when 2 unbelievable evil people fall in love?

  7. oh yeah it is blind and when its happen you will never see the defects of the person in any really nice when it happens but is risky..what is during our blidness we dont notice some defects like character in the loved person?.. afther marriage (if you get marry with that person) so in spite this is a very nice feeling we should be little bit carefully because one you feel down of your cloud the hit  could very painfull....

  8. love sees more but is willing to see less if u know what i mean

    like u see the negative aspects of the relationship and of ur partner but u refuse to let that phase u at all

    love sees more than people give it credit for, u see everything and understand everythign about the relationship and ur partner but u forget the negative aspects, u dont mind them, they dont matter to u, u know they are there, but u are blinded to them and unphased by them

    like when u think of ur loved one, unless ur mad at them u dont sit and remember all their flaws , rather u think of the positive aspects and why u love them and how they make u feel. u know the flaws are there, but u dont think or worry about them, u are somewhat blinded to them even though u know they are there they dont matter as much as the other stuff

    in a sense, love is blind because it chooses to be

    it sees more, but is willing to see less

    idk if im making any sense, im starving and i havent eaten breakfast yet so excuse me lol

  9. It  can be.  Someone you love can do no wrong.

  10. NO

    LOVE sees with the hearts of two Lovers ..

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