
Do you agree that mobile phones should be BANNED while driving?

by  |  earlier

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I almost had an accident a while ago. The driver was on his mobile when he swerved suddenly to my lane without looking or signal.

He apologized but h**l... i could be pushing up daisies if i didn't managed to maneuver between two trucks! >_<




  1. Not neccesarily, I think smoking should be banned while driving. I think smoking should be banned everywhere.

  2. no

    you all see very little of the problem..

    as a profession driver i see it at its worst...the real issue of late is people texting while driving... not saying that hand helds aren&#039;t an issue...but people dont use caution while using a phone that is the problem

    i use my cell prolly 6 hours a day

    i have a blue tooth voice activated headset

    i recieve calls to

    change load info

    severe weather on my route

    road closures on route

    major accidents on route

    as well as calls from other professional drivers to pass the time.

    i also make calls

    to let customer know i may be late

    advise office of severe weather to warn other drivers

    advise office of road closures to warn other drivers

    talk to my wife

    talk to my parents

    talk to my banker

    insurance agent

    yes you guessed it i am a long haul truck driver.

    a cell phone set up and used properly is a non issue..

    peoples carelessness is the issue..

    and the dude who said ban smoking everywhere in an earlier answer.....get a life, the taxes collected on cigerattes/alcohol sales are essential......outlaw smoking ....yea right  the gov makes too much money on it

  3. Yep...I agree...I&#039;ve been almost hit many, MANY times over the past few years and they have ALL been on their cell phones!  If one must have to talk on the phone while driving, use a hands free unit!!  The worst is when someone is text messaging while driving!! OMG!!!  Are you freakin&#039; kidding me?!?!?!?!

  4. If people just used common sense, nothing would have to be banned. I agree that meaningless chatter on a cell phone while driving is unnecessary, and can be quite distracting.

    However, there are times when using the phone is necessary, such as in an emergency. Drivers often need to report certain situations, including threatening and drunk drivers, accidents, and so on. So banning them outright is not the answer.

    Texting, on the other hand, is far more dangerous and totally idiotic. Anyone caught texting while driving should have their license suspended for a year, no exceptions.

    BigWade, I did not see anything about smoking mentioned in the question. It was regarding cell phones. Why not stick to the topic?

  5. I totally agree! it&#039;s too dangerous to be talking on the phone while u drive.

  6. Hand-holding cell users should have their phones installed by a proctologist.

  7. Oh my gosh, I think they are the worst thing ever to come a long as far as driving a car is concerned.Yes definitely outlaw them for any one driving. Keep them away from the drivers. PLEASE.

  8. No I don&#039;t, that&#039;s the same crappy idea of banning guns because some people use them incorrectly.  BUT I do believe that if you have an accident while using one you should get a mandatory year in prison, even for a fender bender.

  9. A definite YES.  Most people on the roads cannot handle their vehicles properly without using cell phones.  Adding the cell phone to thier list of things to do while driving just takes attention away from what they should be doing.  I have seen hundreds (no thousands) of people doing stupid things in traffic while talking on cell phones.  In a large number of countries it is illegal to drive while talking on a hand held cell phone.

  10. no but careless driving should be

  11. Yes. It should be against the law to talk on a mobile phone while driving even with hands-free gizmos. Remember the signs on buses saying &quot;Don&#039;t talk to driver while the bus is in motion&quot;?  Strictly speaking drivers are not even supposed to talk to passengers while driving because it divides their attention from the road.

  12. Yes, it distract your concentration on your driving.Dangerous !!!

  13. No, they shouldn&#039;t be banned.

  14. At the very least,   handsfree devices should be mandatory.

    Holding a phone to the side of the head,  for most,  seems to direct their attention to the phone and conversation.   They have tied up a hand that could be used to operate turn signals,   and many are afraid to turn their heads for fear of losing the conversation,  so they don&#039;t check their blind spots or mirrors.    Some can get into heated arguments,   and forget they are in a vehicle.  

    When driving,   driving is the first priority.   If you don&#039;t have a hands-free,   shut up and pull off!!

  15. yes, because if you use youre cellphone while driving you pay less attetion on what is happening on the road, especially if you get inot the conversation too much!

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