
Do you agree that nothings is impossible,because the impossible things change the world,can anyone explain..

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Do you agree that nothings is impossible,because the impossible things change the world,can anyone explain..




  1. I disagree

    There are things that are impossible:

    It is impossible for a triangle to have two right angles for example

  2. Nothing is impossible, just improbable.

    There is a field of physics and philosophy which deals with this type of thinking. For example, if a press my hand up against a wall, the possibility of that the molecules might rearrange to allow me to push through is highly improbable in the amount of time I have my hand there, but not impossible. If I leave my hand pressed there indefinately, I will eventually make it through according to this theory.

    Under this type of thinking, anything is possible, but is it probable?

  3. its called a paradigm shift.

  4. I'd say that many things are possible but some things are impossible. There are finite limitations within reality and ability.

  5. There's an answer for everything whether you know what it is or not.

  6. I agree: impossible things are just the not yet known things. Knowledge has limits by definition. Every time something completely new happens, a big change arise, it is because something considered impossible has become possible.

    Technically we should define impossible only as something highly improbable.

    This happens in science (it was impossible to defeat small pox before the vaccine, impossible to cut open a person and sew it back before modern surgery) and even in Economics and social sciences. There is a classic example often quoted of the break down of the ice transportation industry: it was considered impossible to produce ice in the towns, even not imaginable to have it made at home... before the fridge

    (Dilicious) cube: your example is true only in the current Euclidean geometry. As a scientific atheist you should not believe in absolute truth, and know that there can be as many truth as points of view

    Many Owls: in another post you quoted the Monty Python, now Thomas Kuhn. Are you a kind of cultivated deity? Impressed

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