
Do you agree that organized religion is just a way of control?

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Before anyone starts yelling at me, I'm not saying belief in a god or spirit or whatever is a way of control, just that when you go to an organized ceremony and you have certain rules people must follow all that is, is a way to control others. If you look back through history like the Middle Ages the church controlled much of the "civilized" world.




  1. i agree that "false" religion is a form of control

    true religion and undefiled is to take care of the widow and the fatherless and to create a society that is holy and righteousness.

    but it is by choice that God reigns over his people

    teach them them the principles and let them govern themselves.  

  2. sometimes yes, i do not believe in rituals or traditions.  

  3. Not only control but also a source of money for empty promises.  The ultimate con game.

  4. First off i believe in god and pray.  Religion is definitely a way to control people.  Religion is a sideline method for government to control people.  Church in many cases can mean money and power.  For example the church my parents raised me in published the yearly charitable book, showing what everyone donated for the year.  HOW HORRIBLE IS THAT for a religion based on god?????????? I will still pray to god but i wont go to church very often.  

  5. Pretty much

  6. I believe that most organized religions are forms of social control, but I wouldn't call most of them "civilized," that's for sure...

  7. "My understanding of God is so much better than yours, hence, for guidance, you will have to come talk to me." - Any priest.

    The concept of a seperation between church and state is a load of baloney. The church will always endeavor to become the state, because without political power, they are nothing but a bunch of panderers catering to weak minds and their fear.

  8. Civilized is actually a good thing. The alternative is barbaric.

  9. Absolutely.  You figured it out!

  10. Very much so. Look at how many wars have been in the name of religion. Look at how the church gets it's followers to go after abortion and g*y rights, two issues that government could care less about, yet ignore world peace. It is because our rich who control the government have allot of control of the church as well. World peace would cost the individuals who  run the Military Industrial Complex billions of dollars. So the church throws the Christians a bone in the way of g*y rights and abortion.

  11. Hey, you've figured it out! Good for you!

  12. Yes.  I agree.  Jesus said, in the Sermon on the Mount.  "When you pray, go not into the synagogues, for men do these things to be seen by others."  He warned of organized religion in this way.  Faith, and belief, in God is a very personal thing.  The Church didn't tell Noah to build an Arc nor did the church order Jonah to go forth.  

  13. No, it is not always used as a way of control.

  14. 1000% It's just possitive & negative reinforcement like giving a child a cookie or whatever when their good & listen & obey or a spanking when they don't! Heavens the "cookie" & h**l is the "spanking" it's why the great Romans adopted it! MIND CONTROL!!!!

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