
Do you agree that political parties should state explictly the true nature of political reality.?

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Do you agree that the true nature of political reality should be explicitly stated in political literature.

Do you agree that political parties should write explicitly in their writings, in their literature, their knowledge of the true nature of political reality. That they should declare explicitly in their writings, in their literature, that they know God exists, that they know God is living in the world, that they know that God is a capitalist-royalist who has shared his power with the state and capitalism, that they know that God is the power and intelligence behind the means of production. Political parties should explicitly write this in their writings, in the literature, in their written words.




  1. what would be the point of politics if everyone knew the truth or had access to the truth?

    politics is a system of telling people what they want to hear,

    which is lies

    OVER ALL stupid question..which required stupid answer

    thus you get this

    UR MOM!

  2. Where did you come up with this question?  From what I can tell, we know your idea of the true nature of political reality, but I find it to be so out of touch with what I perceive as political reality that I'm not sure I can make it into the same ballpark as you.  How about we consider that the goal of political candidates is to get elected, and that's the true nature of their political reality.  Other than that, I'm not sure how much truth and politics have much to do with each other.

  3. No, because what you're actually describing is political fantasy.

    Are you a Freemason, or something?

  4. Then they would lose half their constituents, like the homosexuals and others who are in conflict with God's reality.

    "Cannibals elect cannibal kings"

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