
Do you agree that some black people are "feeling" cool...(no offence, Peace!)?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, that there's this bunch of black people in school they think they're so cool, even though their so ugly!!!

Ugly as in NOT because they're black, their just ugly,

i know what a goodlooking black looks like...




  1. All races act like they're cool even though their not, plus you spelled offense wrong.

  2. same could be said about the group of asian kids

    or the group of indian kids

    or the group of white kids

    or of the mentally challenged kids in that one hallway nobody ever walks down....

    yes, groups of people will always think there "cool" no matter what they look like.

  3. At my school theres a bunch of ugly girls who thinks theres so cool that i just want to beat them up those kind of people make me sooo angry

  4. I recommend deleting this question before you get reported.

    pay attention at school and get an education - seems as if you are lacking one now.


  5. ok...well looks do not define a "cool" personality.

    For example, you may be attractive, but judging by your question I wouldn't consider you "cool" I would consider you slightly ignorant.

    That group of kids probably doesn't concern themselves with ridiculous questions like this.

  6. boys will be boys not only black ppl act like that white/asian all kinds of ppl think their cool

  7. You're a clown. What kind of question is this?

  8. i think that, saying something to make you sound not racist, makees you sound slightly racist. buttt thats just me

  9. It goes through every public skool atleast. Theres always atleast 1 black person who think they better then everyone else on their hallway, or the whole skool. Thinking they can talk to other people however they want, take people stuff without asking, being agressivefor no reason...that just makes them look stupid sometimes.

    Im black, but i like to get along with everybody cause it doesnt make since to think that your better then anyone because you never know when there might actually be someone BETTER then YOU/THEM....

  10. umm... there are tons of people(black, white, asian, whatever) that think they're cool in high school even if they are the ugliest person.. thats a fact..

  11. What the bloody h**l has them being black have to do with it? Also what does being ugly or good looking have to do with being cool?

    You're ugly on the inside and that is much worse.

  12. You sound more jealous than anything. You sound like a little, ignorant, wanna-be.  Sounds like you are obsessed with their coolness and wish you could be.  It's not a black thing, your probably just a little lame kid that wants some attention.  Your the same kind of kid that will come and shoot the entire school up because you didn't make the cheer-leading squad or the football team.  You probably didn't even have the guts to try out anyway.  You sound like nothing more than a waist of good yearbook space.  You get the award of the day for the being biggest hater!  

  13. I can see some black person irritated you. You're right, I guess, but you could say the same about individuals of any race.

    EDIT: To help: that's how you spell it in England: offence. Offense in the US.

  14. They think they're big and bad because a black guy's running for president. Don't vote for Obama- I don't trust him!

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