
Do you agree that termination of a human life can be the private business and a "right" of an Individual ?

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I am talking about abortions




  1. Yes Why Dont You

  2. "If it's inhabiting my body without my permission"

    Unless you were raped, the s***n that fertilized your egg entered with your permission, the egg was already there, so the fetus that resulted is there with your permission.


  3. Yes, because each individual person has their own idea about when a human life becomes a human life. Just because someone's is different than yours does not make them wrong. I don't think it's okay to deny a woman the right to make her own medical decision over a matter of semantics. If she's comfortable with what she's doing and does not think that it's murder, then no one has the right to stop her because they disagree. It's the business of the people directly involved and no one else's.

    In fact, I'd have a lot more faith in the anti-abortion crowd if I saw more of them present workable solutions as to how to support these babies that the mothers don't want and/or can't adequately support instead of spending all their time insulting and condemning strangers over a matter of moral theory.

  4. A human life?  No.  A fetal life?  Yes.

  5. No. When does the unborn child get the "right" to live? When will women realize that it isn't their body they are aborting, it is their child's.

  6. Dude... you've lost me on the "private business" part.  I have no idea what this could possibly have to do with Capitalism.

    One quick note, though:  You can't call yourself "pro-life", and be both anti-abortion and pro-death penalty.  Pick one or the other, and then I'll talk with you.

  7. No i don't, however I do think that other people have no right to force you to accept their definition of life.

  8. If it's inhabiting my body without my permission, then it's definitely my "business" and my right to terminate it.

  9. No, I don't believe that you are talking about abortion.  There is genuine disagreement on when 'human life' begins.  Therefore, your question requires acceptance of the premise that life begins at conception.  However, many do not accept that premise, so your question is value laden and really not answerable because of the value judgment contained within it.

  10. Yes, but I don't believe it's a human life yet at the point of termination.

  11. I believe that an individual has the right to make her own choices when it comes to serious bodily changes such as those that pregnancy entails. As long as what's inside her is dependent on her body and is draining her of resources, it is the woman's right to do as she sees fit.

  12. An embryo is not a person.  And yes.

  13. You're not learning (presumably because you don't want to). As I told you in a previous answer:

    "You're assuming that a pro-choice person already agrees with you that a fetus is a human being. This is precisely why there is a debate in the first place - it always comes back to the issue of whether a fetus is a human being or not. And there's no real way to get a person to change their opinion on the matter because it is a moral judgement."

    So... in order to answer your question, pro-choicers would have to concur that human life IS being terminated. THEY DON'T.

  14. Define "human life"

    Define "right"

    Define "belief"

    Never mind, I will answer anyway:

    YES.   I am talking about euthanasia and abortion.  

    I support and encourage quality of life, not quantity of life.   Quality of life is subjective, and an individual certainly does have the right to define it for him- or herself.

  15. In the case of suicide , yes.

    In the case of abortion it should be the choice of the 2 responsible for the conception.

  16. Terminating that life is not going to affect you profoundly. But not terminating that life can certainly affect the individual concerned adversely. So mind your own business. Don't impose your opinions on someone who you don't even share the same anatomy with.

  17. To say the chemicals you may help with that baby's growth...does not mean to me the most taken away from a women's body's to start with......... the life of what women would get from another would and as that has not become yet. To ABORT, to an act of an official position by one seen object.. NO I do not agree. It does mean alot of balance that you as a person goes through but the or a man does get emotional involved in also.

  18. Off course it is. Other people may be against it, but often they don't know the circumstances of an abortion. I don't believe another person has the right to judge another for having an abortion. Some people may disagree, but this is how I feel about it. It's a personal choice no one else can or should make for you and probably the hardest decision a person will ever make.

  19. YES

  20. No.

  21. I believe the termination of life is a terrible thing. While one may deserve privacy I don't believe anyone has the right to take the life in the first place.

    Spiritually: To take the life of one as defenceless as an un- borne baby, You are looking at a lot of Bad to come your way.

    We reap what we sow, more than we sow, and later than we sow.

  22. Yes.

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