* I don't think that PKK members are crazy enoughto stay in that area in this freezy & snowy weather with their portable tool to stand against fighters & tanks!
* It is like committing suicide to to punnish & send soldiers to fight in this harsh freezy & thick snowy conditions, in a mountinous rough area with a tool kit weighing about 40kg (this weight was mentioned on the news yesterday).
* Most of Turkish soldiers killed had died from the harsh conditions & not by combatting the PKK members.more is expected to die this way (by freezing cold).
* Turkey is trying to show the Europeans that they fight in exceptional conditions, that no other country will bear ( this was mentioned on the daily Turkish news)!!!
* I believe the number of the PKK members died, which mentioned by the Turkish army is only an estimation & theoritical, as the army didn't show any PKK died bodies yet, even they (the turkish army) is in control & has the superiority in the field ( as i hear in Turkish news.