
Do you agree that the far left wing hate attacks on Republicans is going to help the Reps win the election?

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Do you agree that the far left wing hate attacks on Republicans is going to help the Reps win the election?




  1. If it doesn't, this country deserves Obama.  That's all I can say.

  2. If they keep attacking the teenage daughter and the downs syndrome baby, every woman in America will vote for John McCain.

  3. About as much as the far right wing attacks on Democrats will help Dems win the election.

  4. Nah, The mud slings both ways.

  5. Yes because they are attacking her daughter and a baby.  That is a family issue... it has nothing to do with how she can lead the country.

    When the right attacks Obama it is about him, his choices, his friends, and his bad ideas, not his children.  Those things immediately affect his ability to lead.

  6. It really doesn't matter whether the Democrats, or the Republicans win.  Nothing is going to change.  Both parties work for the same interests.

    It's time to wake up!  As long as we continue to elect candidates from these two parties (actually, one party), things will continue to get worse.  It is those who control the two parties, who are benefiting from the waging of undeclared wars around the globe for profit, the plundering of the American people, the bail out of their businesses, and the inflation of our currency.

    Both parties are committed to destroying our civil rights.  Neither party has anything but contempt for the Constitution, and the American people.

    The interesting thing is, everything the Democrat Party says about the Republican Party is true.  They war working for the special interests; the big corporations, the big oil companies, the big banks and so on.  At the same time, everything the Republicans say about the Democrat Party is true.  The Democrats are trying to disarm the American people.  They continue to invent new social programs to reward the indolent and punish the industrious.  Both parties are working together to destroy this nation.

    It's time to start voting third party.

  7. As far as I see, the rep. have been doing smear campaigns against michelle (fox news has repeatedly called her a bitter black woman) and obama (rep. have been calling him muslim and printing false ads against his character) for the longest. Now that obama is doing it back, the rep. are crying "no fair". I call bullsh!t on that one, it seems like they can dish it but they can't take it. Bottom line is Palin is a very shady woman and someone needs to bring her to light.

  8. I fully think that this could very well be the case.

    Don't sell the majority of our country short, as the liberals always do.  Most people can see what is truly going on.

  9. No more than the underhanded, slimy, nasty and mean-spirited, and blatantly false attacks from Rove and his ilk helped the Dems in the last two elections.  

  10. Nope.

    Do you think Republican attacks on Obama are going to help Republicans win the election?

    Oh wait, I guess you do.  That's why I hear that Obama is a Muslim, anti-christ, etc.

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