
Do you agree that the government should charge people a tax for having more than child?

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  1. NO OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!My heart and love for pplz unlike the side that says we should!

  2. No, that would violate or freedom to choose what kind of family we want to have.

    It sometimes concerns me that we seem to reward people with more social services when they have more kids. However, I understand the reasoning and it is every persons right to chose to procreate or not.

    Somewhere along the line there needs to be a line drawn, the question is where can it be drawn that does not impinge on the rights of our citizens, endanger the welfare of the children that the system ( for all it's faults) is trying to help and still be fair and understanding that when a family chooses to limit size because they are understanding that even though they want 10 kids they can only afford 2 ?And to reward that decision?

    It is a hard call.

  3. no however we as the american people should take care of our own american people and if it starts in congress,so be it.

  4. No and what if someone doesn't pay the tax. The child gets taken away? Just like the threatening car tax commercials in the UK.  Such nonsense

  5. No.  You need at least 2 kids to maintain your current population.  

    Look at Japan's problems.  They have so many old people compared to young people that the population is shrinking and there is not enough money coming into pay for care of these people.

  6. NO.  We do not need more taxes.

  7. In that sense I do not agree. But here in the states I pay school taxes although I don't have any children. Even the elderly pay these school taxes. However if a family has 5 kids, all school aged, they will basically pay the same taxes I do. I don't think that's fair at all.

  8. They do that in China. It is considered a human rights violation in many circles.

    By the way, your linked story only proposes a tax on people who have MORE than TWO children.

    The only population control that really works is wealth. Rich countries have stable or even shrinking populations. Only poor countries are contributing to population growth.

  9. It hasn't mattered what people thought about so many other things that are happening now. Why should it matter what people think about this one?

  10. I agree that the world is overpopulated and that it is taking a toll on our resources but I don't think they have given birth control long enough to show a decreasing population effect. We've only had birth control since the 60's. That only gives 40 some years to show a desired population decrease. It will take at least twice that amount of time to go through to the next generations. Undoubtly they don't want to wait that long and no I don't agree with punishing people for doing what we were intended to do. They need to find another way. Maybe they could encourage one child families with a tax incentive. It seems like somehow they always work it around to where it benefits the government.

    Nice post.

  11. No I don't agree. Hardworking people that do raise their children do need, and should get goverment money.

    Now those welfare Mommie's and Daddies are a different story, I am tired of seeing these people who are on welfare, REFUSE to get a job, get five to six thousand dollars income tax refunds cause all they do is lay on their backs, make babies, eat twinkies,  and refuse to work.

    While me and my wifes refund is c**p because we have to pay off the worthless!!

  12. Only the ones that can't afford them. The ones that seem to be a baby factory just to collect a welfare check.

  13. I don't think that they do anyways.  They get you more back. That is if your asking if we agree and you think they do.  But no they shouldn't, but I do say after 5 or 6 they should stop allowing the child tax credit and earned income credit  helping them out.  I mean come on it is bad to do, but I have heard of people having more and more children to get a more of a tax break. I don't think that is right.

  14. No, really I don't think it's a good idea.

  15. Chairman Mao went down that road.......

  16. Absolutely not! We can certainly do more to take better care of our planet, but I don't think punishing people for having kids is the way to do it! For heaven's sake, if we all stopped having kids the freakin' human population would die out, anyway? Are we preserving the Earth for the animal life that would be left?!

  17. Absolutely not, however, they need to do something with people who have children who cant take care of them and live off public assistance. The more children they have, the more money they get, and the less chance they will ever be a productive member of society. I have seen pregnant 15 year olds, whose parents are elated that their daughter is pregnant. And 12 and 14 year olds who start having children. By the time they are 20 they have 7 or 8 kids all with different fathers who do not work.

  18. no.  but I do believe that government shouldn't pay welfare or Family Assistance for more than how ever many children are born to the woman at the first time she has children.

    I would say one child as that's the norm, but if she has twins or triplets then we shouldn't limit the assistance to only enough for one of the children.   However I don't think they should get more and more for each child she has.  At some point we need to be responsible for our own actions.

    If she uses some form of drug to help her get pregnant and has multiple children, we only pay for one.  

    I'd also like to see the law changed to where the man has some say in whether the child is his responsability or not.

    If she is pregnant, she must tell him within the time period that would allow for a legal abortion or he isn't resopnsible for child support.

    If she tells him she is pregnant and he says to abort.  Then it's on her wether to keep the child or not.  Either way, he is not responsible for child support because he said to abort.  He is only responsible for paying the costs associated with an abortion.

    too may women go around looking for a sperm donor and a steady source of income from child support checks.  They lie and say they are on the pill when they aren't.  Then they pop in and drop the pregnancy bomb on the guy.  18 years of payments for one night of s*x.  Now that's an expensive hooker.

  19. It's funny all these conservatives get on here and answer, "don't you dare do anything to stop the out of control fertilization that God has given us". Boy, but after that once your born your on your own. The world is going to have to come to grips with a ever increasing population explosion. We will be at 7 billion by 2010, only 2 billion away from what is considered our carrying capacity, and most demographers believe population won't level off until 10 billion, one million more than we can take care of.

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