
Do you agree that the majority of people are not worth talking to?

by  |  earlier

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Because they are so biased, bigoted, racist, overly opinonated, judgemental, and afraid to differ form the common viewpoint. Anyone who is afraid to go against the grain is worthless as a friend but 95% of people care what others think of them.




  1. This is a very interesting question, I'm giving you a star!

    What's weird about my answer is I agree with both Temari-Sensei & bobhikes. There answers are completely opposite but both on the money. One states to be secluded from society and as true as that is maybe its sometimes better to not be. I actually agree with both, and I have days where I do what Temari-Sensei  and days I do what bobhikes does. But if you ask me at the end of the day which is better, its probably Bobhikeses, because even he mentions "   Knowledge is only good if it is shared." but isn't he right? (I assume its a male from his pic.) Isn't that how we learned. Isn't that why our parents tought us values. Isn't that also a reason for why we should help others. Whats the reason of only passing it on to your family. What is this a family contest? Its silly and ignorant at the same time (in my opinion) I guess I have bad days where these people just knock me out. But then again why not try and teach them something. Maybe they'll learn? You can't lose trying? (hopefully not). I'm still amazed the way I think because I think the complete oposite of the way my brother or parents (or even grandparents think). But don't forget why do teachers teach? Why do we spread info. Why? Isn't our overall goal to try and make society a better place. You can't unfortunately change the whole world. You can't. But why not try and make you like as influential as possible. Educate people. And believe it or not get educated at the same time. One person once answered my question and said you may be smart but sometimes you may be wrong. And you know what he was right. Sometimes we get messed up in the final details that we lose ourselves. We lose our true identity. Sometimes we change and sometimes its not for the better. Why not try and have some influence by educating. When has education and love brought harm!

    Thanks for your question, and for making my juices flow!

  2. Well you wouldn't know unless you tried to talk to them, right?

    I think it just differs with age and the environment you live in. The majority of the teen population would conform to these "horrible ideals" only because they want to fit in. Its normal I guess but its still wrong nonetheless.

    Also, the environment in which you might live might be like that. Which is why you might think that all people are like this. I'm sure if you broaden your horizons and traveled a little bit more, you'd see there are plenty of open-minded people as well.

    There's both good and evil. There is still hope and good triumphs over all

    Talk to everyone to gain experience and wisdom. Don't limit yourself and see both sides of things, whether you agree with them or not. Who knows, you might be able to show those biased people that there's more to life.

  3. Sure, everything you said. And most of them are too ignorant to have a decent conversation with, too. I recently tried to discuss politics with a woman who insisted that McCain was pro-choice and Hillary was pro-life! That was a pretty short conversation.

  4. Very well said, bobhikes; you took the words right out of my mouth.

  5. I do have to agree. I'm sure that several other people will say "no" for the exact same reason you're posting this and other will say "yes" just to be different and because they like to be considered "worth talking to"

    I've faced these people so often, I find the only way I can talk to a person with and unbiased brain is to do searching on the internet, which still ends in fail.

    I guess the fact that "ignorance is bliss" and I'm not, means that I wish I wern't as smart as I am. This whole "creative genious" thing tends to smart during the teenage years....

  6. Strange, but true assessment.

    In the end, we ALL go home to our families, shut the door, and go to bed - regardless of who is suffering and for what reason.

    I enjoy talking to people, but I have realized that they are in it for themselves.

  7. I find the opposite true.  You can learn something you never knew from everyone.  In fact most people will teach you something to make your life better.  I have learned a lot from many people and give them my thanks even to the many Bigots, opinionated and judgmental in my life.

    Another reason I believe people are worth talking to is that they have interesting stories to tell.  Everybody has a life that has had good and bad times.  The stories of there lives are fascinating.

  8. Yes. I can't stand people that are so overly-opinionated. I have a friend I've known my entire life that cannot ever stand being wrong or have their opinion contested. It really is sad there are people like this. I've learned to just not fight with him anymore. It's really aggravating. It's always their opinion on such in such topic is best, that movie was bad because I thought so, that sort of music is dumb, blah, blah, blah. And of course they're never wrong, right?

  9. I agree.

    Blaise Pascal said it best, "I lay it down as a fact that if all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world."

    Today we are in the I don't know generation.  The cardinal virtues are lost in translation.  

    Customer service whats that today in stores.

    People are rude, crude and totally you know what today.  

    Many women have lost the sense of modesty and femininity etc.

    I really don't know how we are going to survive with people running for office that are betraying the constitution of the USA and saying they want to lead our nation etc.

    Don't get me started.  I need some comfort food.

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