
Do you agree that women .. in general .. prefer a man with a big intelligence instead of a man with a big .. ?

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.. .. you know!

This is a serious question .. .. and please answer respectfully.

Thanks so much .




  1. yes i do, wise women prefer intellgience, ditzy fake blondes prefer big d**k.

    if you were wise, id stick with the wise women.

  2. Sadly enough, the men I have known with a big ***** were very shallow and exalted themselves based upon their size. There may be those out there who are not like this but in my experience, I have never met them. I've often tried to understand what felt so great about it anyway and why some women think this is a plus? I would much rather have 'big intelligence' because with that comes creativity. The big ones never seem to try hard to please as they feel the size does it all. Plus, my mind is more important to me than my s*x life. I may be alone in this, but I don't think size matters.

  3. size has nothing to do with the performance by the way.

    an intelligent man can make a trick even if he has a short d** know

    nice Q by the way.

  4. Women prefer good looking lover. The rest are optional.

  5. Yes, i'd rather choose an intelligent man. ;p

  6. intelligence please :)

  7. I don't really care if he is as dumb as a box of rocks as long as he has a good heart.  Nothing is more important than that.

  8. Every female on the planet will tell you they seek the ideal, considerate, caring, intelligent man who can look after her hopes interests and most of all her kids.  The reality, however, is that every female wants somebody who she finds attractive and who can make her laugh.  If you can make a woman laugh, you can do anything with her.  Of course, females laugh considerably more for males that they find attractive.  Manhood size plays almost no part in the selection of partners for females at all.  There really is a woman out there for everybody, both sexes are attracted to all shapes and sizes of the opposite s*x; the TV is full of rubbish.  That's why it's always the least educated males in society that reproduce first, because their ignorance is amusing to the female s*x.  It's only later that a female will realize just how big the mistake that she has made actually is.  Of course, then her life is ruined.  They really should teach this stuff at school ........... who'd listen anyway?

  9. Intellegence is best.  s*x comes as a benefit.  I love to sit with my husband and talk at lengths about life.  When all is said and done,......then......well, he's good for me in a spiritual way.....

  10. def intelligent man mate.

  11. Most definitely a big intelligence, i think that only a s**t would prefer the other choice

  12. hi

    the only person scoured on big brother this year was Rory

  13. If a man comes up to you and has an intelligent conversation, you'd probably be somewhat attracted to him.

    On the other hand, if a guy walked up to and ripped down his pants and started showing off. Well, lets just say the scenario would end badly.

  14. ...intelligence...

    ...then a big SMILE...

  15. Your question seems to imply that intelligent men have small penises and that men with larger penises are dumb? This has not been my experience.

  16. A great intelligence would certainly be more useful. Studies have shown that while only a minority of women consider genital size important, women are attracted to men who are powerful. As intelligence is a part of power and certainly intelligent people have a greater chance of being powerful, it could be argued that this is the case. This is especially so considering that genital size plays no evolutionary role; that is, men with large ones are no more genetically successful than those with small ones. Its a societal construct.

  17. For friendship and lifelong partnership, definitely. For s*x only, definitely not. And a big wallet often trumps BOTH considerations regardless of whether one is talking s*x or lifelong commitment.

  18. big intelligence....

  19. It is true this is a philosophical issue, hun.  I always wanted a man with a big one but I never knew what kind of a big one.  Other times I wanted him with a big car, some other times with a big wallet at mentioned above, or with a big fat mama.

    Today, if you ask me I would like him to have a big .... you know, know!

  20. A wise woman would realise that intelligence is a permanently fixed commodity, but that the other item can be increased by surgery, or by exercise, or by drugs.

  21. A real gentleman with a big heart and enough intelligence will fit a good woman's ideals. 'Thinking that a man's reproductive instrument deficiency has numerous of remedy with enough intelligence precedeed. Foremost needing a big heart to understand this situation with the other half.

    I personally prefer a brave man with a big love in his heart! ^^

    We can conquer any problem with our real love together..

  22. Ohhh you have so hit one of my weaknesses. I can't have both?

    Ok, seriously if I had to choose between one or the other I would say intelligence. The reason being is though I love s*x (and uhh size), if he could not keep me interested in mind, have deep thought-provoking conversations, learn from me as I learn from him (on the same level) I would become pretty darn bored. At least if he was small in the South, but big in the North, there are always toys to make up for that part.

    So I will agree intelligence is a higher priority than size. Now give me both and I will be a happy camper :)

  23. I do my best NOT to generalize about anyone... may I suggest that you don't either.

    But if I must answer: "Big" Intelligence.

  24. I think women would prefer a man with a big capacity for love but if I have to choose between your two answers, I would say intelligence.

  25. It is not true, at least in my case. It is not intelligence and it is not the other thing you mention -:)..... which makes at least me prefer a man.

    It is the whole soul which radiates through the whole person,  the wisdom, the care, the consideration a man shows to other people as well. Intelligence alone does not make a man either. An intelligent man who is cold for example, would a woman want to have that?

    I believe women prefer a man who lives from inside out. So a man who is true to himself and not a man who adapts to what the media says. There is so much "rubbish" at the moment transmitted to people.

  26. I think women have other things to do and think about in life rather than thinking about those two things that u mentioned. I would say nothing of the above two but for sure someone who is sensitive to her feelings and is respectful to her ...

  27. I agree. Maybe it is like this because women need to feel safe and someone with brains in the wright place can provide safety easier than the other ones who are centered on their own "brains-fallen-in-the-pants". Also a women has a lot more to learn and discover in day to day life by being together with an intelligent man.

  28. Actually for the most part they prefer a man with a big wallet. Then a big intelligence.

    The women are actually looking for some male who has the means to sustain her family as well as pass on the genes of a good man's body as well as intelligence.

  29. do you have one of those shortages or both at once?..With all respect, that one you can figure it out through your personal experiences..not just you but everyone who is curious over that condition is a who you are not more or less than addition, stop to wonder over    choices..there is infinite number of them, even within a choice what is loved with whole  heart and you want be disappointed

  30. It is silly to presume that women put much consideration into a prospective suitor other than:

    How much security can this male provide for me (in a literal and social context)?

    How much joy (perhaps on merits of physical attraction or charisma) can this male produce in my life?

    Does this male have the proper qualities (and therefore, the proper genes) that will produce an offspring worthy of my bearing?

    In the above criteria, a woman's attraction is decided by her passion.

    This must not be viewed as something negative; rather, a woman's passion is the determinant of the future makeup of society. This exudes the Darwinian notion of natural selection in a human context.

    Now, am I saying that women do not like intelligence? NO. I am simply saying that intelligence must be the indirect object of a more sustainable end: money, power, status, charisma (which requires social intelligence) and so on.

    however, mere intelligence as in, the retention of fruitless facts, time lines, and such are nugatory in a woman's considerations.

    I believe it is sufficient and fair to say that it is neither a big genitalia nor mere intelligence that attracts a woman. Instead, it is a males ability to appeal to her desires.

    Women, subconsciously and passively "know" who to pass their egg to.

  31. I can honestly say, I would prefer an intelligent man. I'd rather sit and have a 3 hour intelligent conversation over some ditzy guy that thinks he is the best for having a big d**k

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