
Do you agree the Chinese Olympics will be the best.

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Do you agree the Chinese Olympics will be the best.




  1. no I don't.

  2. I just watched the opening ceremony to the Olympic games in China and my eyes are full of tears.

    What a show. The sense of beauty in its universal form, that thin string to which we are all attached!

    Yes, the Chinese Olympics will be the best because we are all the best!

  3. i don;t know about being the best but, it's amazing to watch and learn, it's really neat. something different to see..

  4. The olympics are exciting every year, nothing really major this year.

    Except for having it in a country lacking in nearly all rights.

    The last few olympics haven't been that good because its comprised of a few games with limp coverage and a serious of montages about how this person or this person overcame some obstacle in there life and how special they are. Awesome...

  5. no, it will be as boring as it has been at past olympic events. If not, then worse. I don't like China because it has no respect for life. Human or animal. And yeah, I probably shouldn't let that affect my opinion of the olympics, but as the olympics rake in huge amounts of cash and respect for a country that doesn't deserve either, i don't condone it.  

  6. Can't say if it will be the best.  If you want to consider controversy, then no its not the best because this one has too much controversy due to some actions and some media coverage that was overly attacking (I'm a person with a moderate view on this).  But without the controversy, I'm not sure either.  I mean I'm excited about the Games- I'm in it for the sports (after much thought over it). And I'm sure they'll be fun and a pleasure to watch. Its going to be great.  But if they're better than the others, I'm not sure.  We'll have to see =) but I'm hyped for some magnificent Olympic action. :]

  7. First impressions: Excellent.

  8. **They'll be the best until the next Olympics.  Remember when Australia had the Sydney Olympics back in 2000 they were the 'best ever', seemed to have the best of everything (no one would be able to use drugs because they'd get caught out etc) and yet eight years later the Chinese Olympics are better again.**


    The opening ceremony was amazing! Just seeing their history & culture was awesome! Totally the BEST I've seen so far :)

  10. Yes.  

  11. yep

  12. Yes they should be coz china is the only country in the world with that capability. Most admirable.

  13. It very well could be

  14. No. I don't think so. Don't forget that the Chinese are our enemy. They want to squelch the US economically. Not to mention, they are poisioning our food and goods supply. I think they still have their 1 child only rule whereby females newborns are murdered. Amongst other horrible things.  No, I won't be distracted from the ugly truth by bright shinny things on TV amied at duping the world about how great China is.

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