
Do you agree the only thing that Obama is good for is great speeches?

by Guest57038  |  earlier

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Are you voting for him or not?




  1. No, I don't think that is all he is good for, but it sure is nice to listen to an articulate, passionate speaker.

  2. I don't even think he is that good at speaking.  Turn the tele-prompter off and he is lost. He misspeaks and fumbles more than most people when he is not reading a script.  So I guess he is a good script reader.    

  3. i might.. i agree that the only thing he is good at is his speeches he says all this stuff that he will do but then he will not do it

  4. No I don't agree.

  5. I am voting for him

  6. I'm voting for him. Even if giving speeches is the only thing he'd good at......Its refreshing to hear someone who speaks English correctly...after 8 years of Bush!  

  7. Obama is young, strong, and inspiring...something McCain isn't and never will be because he's old.

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