
Do you agree with Alfred Kinsey's claim that the majority of people are bisexual?

by Guest45340  |  earlier

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Do you agree with Alfred Kinsey's claim that the majority of people are bisexual?




  1. Yes I certainly do, and yes I certainly am

  2. I believe there are more bisexual people in the world, that live as heterosexuals. But i'm not convinced that the majority are bisexual. I've always said life would be much easier for humanity. If everyone declared themselves bisexual. Then there would be no sexual discrimination.

  3. i don't actually know the quote or claim

    if I take the term from the dictionary?


  4. No.

  5. I just know that I'm not.

  6. I do not agree

  7. I dont know - I love men, but I can appreciate a good looking girl but not want to sleep with them. Does that still mean I'm bi?

  8. yuck no.

  9. Due to the way the world is i would agree with that statement if i was a girl but being a boy i would disagree. Even though I'm not g*y it seems socially acceptable to be a L*****n or bi if your female but not if you are male

  10. Yes ,  all the people Alfred Kinsey knows are probably bisexual.

  11. Dunno. I'm not. I think one can only speak for oneself.

  12. No. That was just his opinion.

  13. to some degree, yes

    though it may not be enough to garner sexual attraction

  14. I do believe that sexuality is on a continuum, nothing is ever black or white...or yes or no...things can fall somewhere in between.  But that's not to say that all people are bi...some are a little, some are a lot, some are not at all...and I believe that would be Kinsey's stance as well.

  15. I can see the possiblility.

    Females are more open to say yes.  Males have been programmed to say no, unless they don't really care who knows.

  16. Yes I do, personally I believe that everyone is bisexual whether they're inclined to admit it or not.

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