
Do you agree with Americas foreign aid to anti American countries?

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if not what can the American people do to STOP foreign aid, and have our tax paying dollars for the benefit of US Americans that are poor, sick, and in need of financial aid, rather than see our money going to other countries like the Middle East and China ?

What can be the solution for this?




  1. No, not a dime.  It's time to start voting only for leaders who care about Americans instead of the whole world.  We elect them to care about AMERICANS.

  2. No, and I also disagree with corporate welfare to anti-American corporations.

  3. well i'm a pakistani and i disagree too im not anti american i'm anti american policies

    u know after all the aid the top leadership of america gave us they really bound us

    take for example we want a peace deal in our northern areas but US wont allow us and they threat us to stop the aid

    surely when u hear tons of innocent people die everyday  u want peace at any cost is not it ?

    well for Muslim Extremist i only say they are the aftermath of russian invasion in Afghanistan

    u know who brought up Osama it was america himself they created fanaticism in muslims trained them and made them fight against russian invasion in afghanistan cuz us din wanted russia to be in afghanistan well its a long story and now the work is done they want their key man osama dead cuz he is a threat now

    sorry guyz if u feel i've used harsh words but this is ground reality

    but we pakistani are not against u people we are against the policies adopted by whitehouse

  4. Like the United Nations Pakistan votes 75% of the time against the United States and Receives. $6721000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

    You have the open borders, one world government politicians you have elected in the past to thank for sending your hard earned money overseas.  

    Ask questions and don't vote for these anti-American open borders, one world government politicians.

    Any idea which one Obama is?

  5. I'm pretty sure that the US doesn't provide any regular foreign aid to China. They might help out in an emergency, such as earthquakes, by offering actual supplies that might not be to hand locally.

    As far as aid to the Middle East goes, the vast majority, billions in fact, goes to prop up Israel. Without US aid Israel would likely, in the long run, collapse and then the US would be obliged to take in enormous numbers of Israeli refugees.

    Maybe if the US hadn't been so stupid to twice vote for Bush and his massive tax cuts for the rich there would still be enough money to go around.

    America has every right to stop giving countries foreign aid - but the consequences are enormous and the American people should not be surprised to see their standing in the eyes of the rest of the world plummet even further - if that's still possible.

  6. I have never understood why we should give money to our enemies. There has to be better places to send it and spend it.

  7. i don't agree with America giving foreign aid to anti-American countries. If they don't want help from us, then we shouldn't give it or insist on giving it. They can figure out their own plan, and we can use our tax dollars on more useful things to our country.

  8. I don't even agree that foreign aid should be for allies, I mean after all, aren't we always the first to support aid via the Red Cross and such when there's a hurricane, or typhoon or earthquake ? Israel even has said they would rather we not give them aid, most of which returns back to us in the way of weapons and support equipment purchases. So at least they do much better than the other places we give money to.

    But while we are spending $14 Billion to people, alot whom do not like us, we are wasting money as our govenment keeps writing checks for things we don't approve of.

  9. The only solution would be to get a candidate in office that's not bought and paid for, and will actually for America what's right! But noooo.....we are given a very small amount of options; not given the ability to choose for ourselves. I'm not voting for either of the CFR lames.

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