
Do you agree with Barack Hussein Obama that Sara h Palin will be "a great candidate"?

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Fox News just reported that he said that.




  1. call him whatever  you want  just except it republicans  you have lost the election can you say   PRESIDENT OBAMA,  HOW SWEET IT SOUNDS.

  2. Yes, I do agree with him.

    Obama demonstrates once again why he is the Democratic party candidate and the rest of he losers are not.

    All in all, I think McCain made a brilliant choice.  This may well win him the election.

  3. GREAT for Obama/Biden - EASY to beat!!

    McCain can no longer use the EXPERIENCE line anymore!!

  4. first off, i take everything fox "news" says with a grain of salt. more like a huge chunk of salt.

    secondly, obviously he's not going to say she'll be a terrible candidate.

    but does he really agree with her on issues, and think she would be a good vp? of course not, not anymore than he thinks mccain would be a good president.

  5. All that matters is the Republicans are trying to elect another idiot like W.  Did you know McCain graduated 894th out of 899 in his class.  I'm not saying that is something to be ashamed of because many people graduate at the bottom. But we don't need these people being president.  Come On!  We need the smartest people.  Obama graduated at the top of his class at Harvard.  As someone politically neutral it doesn't seem like that difficult of a choice this time around in my opinion.

  6. Yes!  A great pick for McCain

    Fieyr-  Palin has more experience than Obama!  When he was elected to the senate she had already been an elected official for 5 years!!  Obama is the least experienced out of ALL of them.  (A trip to Iraq does not give Obama foreign policy experience).

  7. of course he said that, how can he not, she has twice the experience he has for half the office, you dont want to compare those resumes

  8. FOX news, America's greatest source of factual information...

    He's being polite.  She's a joke.  All this media stuff saying she's a maverick... A joke.  Just like the "alaska's favorite governor" line.  She's not amazing.  Thats media hype.  I know, I live in Alaska.  The only thing she's known for is her horrible hairstyle.

  9. he actually said that in a press release. but and? mccain came out and did the same. they are both playing that game right now

    but mccains pick is a reach.

  10. what? did u want him to start criticizing mccains pick so u could criticize him like u normally u do u selfish racist losers its not about him get over it hes trying to help america but noooooo iggnorant racist conservatives like u dont wanna give him a chance cause his black

    anywho this aiint my county so either way i dont get to loose anything  

  11. I agree with anything Fox News says hahaha!

    McCain - Palin '08!!!

  12. Great for getting beat.  

  13. YES!

  14. Probley the only thing I agree with Barrack Hussein Obama on.  What else could he possibly say without getting himself in big trouble? He's  worried now.

  15. What worries me, is that if McCain bites the dirt while in office, this sarah lady....who has 1/16th of the experience Obama does, will become president.

    She's one heart attack away from the presidency. Scary.

  16. I know what is happening, Obama may lose, but America will lose.

  17. It's called professionalism.  What did you want him to say, that she is a terrible choice and Sen McCain is insane?  The citizens of this country do enough of the ridiculing......the candidates don't need to.  

  18. Senator Obama is still on the floor cracking up!  OH Lawd!  It certainly was an excellent choice to show the world McInsane for his bad judgment.  

  19. Yes because she just gave Obama a free pass into the oval office.  I laugh!!!!!!!!!

  20. that's the first thing I have heard that obama said that his supporters don't believe.  wow!

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