
Do you agree with Bill O'Reilly on teenage pregnancy?

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"On the pinhead front, 16-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant. The sister of Britney says she is shocked. I bet.

Now most teens are pinheads in some ways. But here the blame falls primarily on the parents of the girl, who obviously have little control over her or even over Britney Spears. Look at the way she behaves."




  1. Now Bill"Crazy Billy" O'Reilly has nothing to say about Palin's knocked up teenager.  Fake News is SO fair and SO balanced it almost sickens me......

  2. No, I don't like Bill O'Reilly's "Pinheads & Patriots." The pinheads are usually a stretch, and not well thought out. At least Jamie Lynn Spears kept her baby. How many teen idols have gotten pregnant and then secretly had abortions so as not to ruin their careers? Who knows - people don't brag about having abortions.

  3. Since he changes his views based on whether its a republican or someone who's not running for VP (like Jamie Lynn Spears) I would sooner go to h**l than agree with that mother f*cker. He has to be one of the most hypocritical people I know.  

  4. I agree. I think that the Spears daughters were raised in a totally superficial background that promotes getting a husband and looking hot. They didn't really discipline them to be smart about ANYTHING. So really, it's the parents' and the daughter's fault.

    Bill O'Reily is like, my hero.

    In some cases it's not always the parents fault, but I think it is partially Jamie Lynn Spears's parents' faults.

    Palin at least promotes good family values and abstinence. . .not like the Spears.

    What do YOU think?

  5. Well, I guess if a parent knew where her daughter was and what she was up to, he/she would be better able to prevent her daughters premature pregnancy.

    So, I guess, that yes, I do agree.

  6. Yes I agree.

    The question is would Bill O'Reilly have the guts to likewise criticize Palin.

    Although to be fair Palin didn't market her daughters as celebrity s*x kittens.

  7. I think he needs to go **** his own mom!

  8. I don't agree with Bill O'Felafel on anything.

  9. Hypocrisy is the hallmark of conservatives.  

  10. oh the sweetest irony of all ironies.

    Hes in love with Sarah Palin. I bet he claims he never said the above quote.

  11. Yes. I agree with him. A pregnant teenager is a direct reflection of the parents and their parenting.  

  12. If it is the Spears family, it is the parents' fault.  But if it is the Palin family, then it is not the parents' fault.  Don't you get the difference?

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