
Do you agree with Black Economic Empowerment?

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What is your take on this? I will never agree with it as it is racists!




  1. Well I suppose it could be viewed as racist but it is intended to level an uneven playing field due to other circumstances and I do not think it should be forever. If that is the way it goes in South Africa, I would hope you have a better handle on it than the Americans did.

    They got so wrapped up in the numbers game they forgot that to be a good policeman for example, you need to be properly trained as a policeman or to be a good filing clerk, you need to be know the alphabet and how to count and then how to work whatever system is in effect. The quality of police protection in New York City, for example, went way down shortly after black empowerment became the norm. Eventually though, they did get a handle on it and retrained some of the originals who showed promise and gave better training to new recruits. Once the education system for blacks caught up with that which was given to whites, things tended to get back to normal.The transition period is the hardest on everyone but I think when it is worked at and refined it is eventually quite effective. I hope the powers that be in places like the police service will learn from the U.S. mistakes and avoid as many of the pitfalls as they can.

    I know black Africans who would make great policemen and do the job well given the training and the support of the nation. Plus it would be a bee in your collective bonnets to do it better than my sometimes annoying neighbours to the south. Being Canadian and having spent the past 40 plus years listening to them bragging,I gotta tell you that I hope, pray and live for the day when you folks 'one-up' them on this issue. :o)

  2. I totally agree with it..but what i like the most is affirmative action!

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