
Do you agree with European Central Banks decision?

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Do you agree with European Central Banks decision? keeping rates unchanged.

what is tougher on us?

high mortgage payments or inflation in food and energy expenses?




  1. ECB as well as BOE and the FED seem to be holding rates steady right now, hoping to walk a tight rope between trying not to dampen the economy with higher rates, trying not to worsen inflation with lower rates. One of the two will likely fail, but which remains to be seen.

  2. The Eu banks don't care about the UK.

    All the French and German farmers etc etc get highly subsidised grants that we don't - also, all our taxes go to fund this and the other EU countries that are basically c**p at everything and have no money.

    So why should they change the system when we are stupid enough to let them do it.

    Over to Gormless Gordon Brown for an answer

  3. The interest rates are not high, your just comparing them to recent years. Go back a few and you'll see they are not that bad.

    As for food and energy, that's all tied in together.  Land formally used to grow food is being used to grow crops for fuel, making food an almost scarce commodity.  And the demand for oil is increasing while supply is decreasing.

    Which country are you living in? I'm guessing its not the UK as I'm almost sure the BOE set their own interest rates.

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