
Do you agree with Jamaican Honeymoon Resorts' 'Hetorosexual Couple Only' policy?

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Most 'honeymoon & romance' resorts such as Sandals, Superclubs and Beaches have a policy of allowing heterosexual couples only.

What do you think about it? Do you think this should change? Why? Why not?

Please state whether your are Jamaican or 'Tourist' in your response.




  1. I would be classified 'Tourist'.  I think that these resorts are catering to the largest group that they would be able to market to and thats the way the world works.  I wouldn't be interested in going since I'm single regardless of my orientation.  What makes me really mad is when I have to pay a doubles rate when I'm single.

  2. I believe that the ownership and management of said business can adopt whatever policy they wish. I also believe that the people can choose to disagree with said policy by not spending their money there. Ain't capitalism grand?

  3. Whether I agree with it or not.

    I am proud of the fact that Jamaican is a very Christian country where Schools all sing hymns every morning, and pray!

    While I am indifferent about homosexuals, I don't agree with them getting married and going on honeymoon. I do believe God loves everyone including them.

    However, Jamaicans are going to keep Jamaica like that. If you go to a hotel you will only see people kissing someone of the opposite s*x !

    We do of course have homosexuals there, and they are more accepted now, but not like San Francisco!

  4. Stingray u hit the nail on the head... we are quite ignorant of each other for the most part.  I personally think its because its so difficult to travel inter island.  But i wonder where these perceptions are coming from?

    Anyway... To answer your question....

    Im Jamaican and on a personal note against homosexuality.  But the point u bring up is quite relevant in that if we are to go after the tourist market we aspire to, hotels may very well have to liberalise there policy.  The world is changing and im not sure if we can risk being a niche (heterosexual only) market ! Can we?

    I think it needs to change to include homosexuals and perhaps redefine the term singles because two homosexuals are not necessarily a couple.  There is also the question of WheN!!

    But on a personal not I think the country cant deal with it (me included) and would prefer the head in the sand.  I mean i know homosexuals and have a few friends that arebut i am still a bit squirmish about their shows of affection (with which they happily torture me)  So my why not is really the social aspect of promoting someting in a society that may not be socially mature or ready to be unaffected or basically to mind our own business.

    In the long run its not just about changing a policy as it is about changing a people

    I suppose since these resorts are closed it would only be news... Jamaicans are quite tolerant in other countries... or when we have to be.  So I dont suppose anyone would burn a resort (or else some around would be in flames as i type) So maybe im just non progressve.

    But there is another perspective really... I mean at the end of the day a couples resort is just a marketing ploy.  You can go anywhere and still be a couple. and if your a couple tempted by others... then being in a couples resort is no diffrent... u can watch staff or OPP.  The whole couples thing is a gimic... why insist on a couples only resort? (do u have to force the guy/girl)  why when there are other resorts that dont care and are equally nice/quiet/mature?

    I went to Sandals with my mom and no couple cared... it wasnt diffrent from anything else! so really is it much ado about nothing??

  5. No, I dont think that they should change their polocies...Jamaica is a Christian country and one of the few countries left that doesnt welcome g**s and their lifestyle. I as a Jamaican (well, I'm half Jamaican, but I live in the States) and a heterosexual can definately appreciate such a viewpoint. I also think that it's better that these resorts have couples only policies...nothing is worse than paying for a nice vacation only to be stuck next door to some family with 5 or 6 screaming bratty kids, or a bunch of drunken frat boys on the prowel banging on your hotel room door at all hours of the night just because they cant handle their liquor...those of us with a more refined sense of taste need somewhere that we can get away from all that nonsense too...and if the others dont like it...well, let them go to Vegas...

  6. Jamaica like the  rest of the caribbean Islands do not welcome Homosexuals, FYI g**s are beaten to death in Jamaica... futther more why would you want to vacation in Jamaica , the island is riddled with crime , hence so many all inclusive resorts.... the RASTAS will shout up the "white mon "

    I am from Trinidad , come visit my beautiful twin Island instead .

  7. Yes I agree with it. Listen, Jamaica DOES NOT legally recognize homosexual couples.  Therefore u WILL NOT see hotels allowing homosexuals couples to stay there. Those are the rules. There are hotels elsewhere in other countries who have no problem with that kind of lifestyle.  If you r homosexuals, please go there. I dont think it should be changed.

    And this to Trini Girl  - Who the h**l wants to go to Trinidad. How is the crime in Jamaica worst than trinidad.  U r gonna get kidnapped in Trinidad, plus they r racists as h**l.

  8. I'm a tourist  and my husband and I honeymooned at Sandals Whitehouse in August. It wouldn't bother me if g*y couples were there.  I wonder if they do it to keep out the spring break type of partiers?  Just a thought.  I'm guessing they want to maintain a romantic appeal.  We chose sandals because we wanted a quieter place with NO kids.

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