
Do you agree with Jim Rogers? Should the Fed be abolished?

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Asked what he would do if he were in Bernanke's shoes, Rogers, who slammed the Fed for pouring liquidity in the system and accepting mortgage-backed securities as guarantees, said: "I would abolish the Federal Reserve and I would resign."

If this happened, "we don't have anybody printing money, we don't have inflation in the land, we don't have a collapsing U.S. dollar," he told "Squawk Box Europe."




  1. Rogers, like many others, is at least part right about the problem.

    The challenge is coming up with a solution.  What's the alternative plan?  Those proffered are also wrought with failings.

  2. I don't agree with Jim or Fred Rogers. Wont you be my neighbor?

  3. I would have their offices emptied by 5pm tomorrow, were I in a position to do so.

    I agree with Jim Rogers on this one.

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