
Do you agree with John Edwards that his biggest flaw is that he "cares too much"?

by  |  earlier

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he was asked this question during the debates, and that was his answer, he "cared too much" that was, in his opinion, his biggest flaw...not cheating on his sick wife, it was "caring too much"...and his wife stood by and smiled and defended him knowing what a lying hypocrite he was, as he now says he had admitted this to his wife in 2006...




  1. hey he is human..... but on the other hand... he doesnt care enough... because if he did he wouldnt have cheated in the first place.... This is a man that through out all these years has led the public to believe he cared about his wife and family ..... obviously he didnt,..... I hope this screws up things for the dems as Im voting for MCCAIN ... *S*S*S*

  2. he cares most about his self,so whats new with the dems

  3. Yes he does care, about himself.

  4. I agree he cares too much... but not for His legacy. .. think about it....He cares about his humanity.

    It is a tough position to be in; wife w/terminal cancer(aging her beyond her youth)

    I know I'd THINK about it 4shO,wouldnt you?  But what will stop you

    from DOING IT?  

    SOME GOOD ANSWERS mght be:

    I am a public figure;

    if it get out I fall of the pedestal of American politics,

    everything I worked for GONE

    FOREVER SMEARED, look what happened to Bill, NYS gov..

    To make that leap against those good answers I think you'd have to care so much about your wife/'d have had to feel like you were dying too....Therefore, why not start a new ...

    If I am going to loose my wife then I already lost everything.

    I 'll have the affair.  I will not be losing more than I already have (wife's Cancer death sentence). In fact, Its a new beginning, New Wife new child, new life.

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